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Fatal wp Install Error

PostPosted: 02. August 2011 13:53
by snowman51
I am having an install problem installing wp on personal pc.


OS: vista
xampp v.win32-1.7.4 with Apache and mySql servers running.
wp v. 3.2.1

xampp is installed and running.

When I type:

http://localhost/mywebsite/wordpress/wp ... nstall.php

I get the following error message:

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function __() in C:\xampp\htdocs\mywebsite\wordpress\wp-admin\includes\file.php on line 11"

file.php line # 11 reads:
"'index.php' => __( 'Main Index Template' ),"

xampp is in c:\xampp
website is c:\xampp\htdocs\"mywebsite"(without quotes)
wp-config.php is in c:\xampp\htdocs\mywebsite\
wp is in c:\xampp\htdocs\mywebsite\wordpress
file.php is in c:\xampp\htdocs\mywebsite\htdocs\wordpress\wp-admin\includes

Any help is appreciated.

Re: Fatal wp Install Error

PostPosted: 02. August 2011 15:45
by snowman51
The only "add-on" i am using is xampp. I followed xampp's install routine.

Re: Fatal wp Install Error

PostPosted: 02. August 2011 15:47
by snowman51
And I don't see a "wordpress-forum" on your website.

Re: Fatal wp Install Error-Resolved, no thanks to wole

PostPosted: 02. August 2011 16:58
by snowman51
You said "In the wordpress-forum are many, many, many topics with the error."

Saying "wordpess-forum" implies you have a wordpress-forum on this website.

The default:
- Fatal error in the output generally indicates either your theme doesn't like your version of WordPress, you have a plugin that doesn't like your version of WordPress, or you have an incomplete install/upgrade.

As I was attempting to install wp for the very first time I had no themes other than the default ones that come with it. As this was a new install I had no "add-ons/plug-ins" or ANY OTHER SOFTWARE installed EXCEPT XAMPP prior to this install of wp.

The best way is - go to the wordpress-forum ...

Again you are implying there is a wp forum on this website.

I then replied:

The only "add-on" i am using is xampp

Although it is a self-installer for Apache, mySQL and PHP I know it is not a wp plu-in but YOU are the one that mentioned plugins so I thought this would make you realize that xampp was the ONLY sioftware that could have affected the wp installation.

xampp is a add-on?

Rofl and LOL

Since you felt this was funny you must be some little snot-nosed punk who has such feelings of inferiority he has to make fun of people.

snowman51 wrote:
And I don't see a "wordpress-forum" on your website.

My website?

Yes, your wwebsite as in collectively. This website belongs collectively to all of its members. Are you really so immature?

Were is my website?

Not worth replying to.

Can you read?

Yes, very well. Can you speak, read and understand English? Not yet, but keep trying. You might understand one syllable words and simple 3 word sentences one day.

I think no.

At least you are honest enough to admit you can't.

I think you will a solution without brain by self.

Don;t have any idea what you meant by this sentence, however it too shows your childish immaturity.

---------------> and away

And if you cannot try and help someone without sounding like a boorish toad don't try to.

In the end, none of your suggestions helped resolve the problem which I have eventually resolved myself.

So thanks for the help-NOT!!!