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Favicon Help

PostPosted: 18. July 2011 21:35
by DracDennis
I am trying to change the favicon on my xampp server, but when I delete the original and put in the new one, it changes back to the xampp logo. I cant figure out why it does this. Can anyone tell me why it is doing this.

Thank You.

Re: Favicon Help

PostPosted: 18. July 2011 23:08
by Sharley
The xampp.ico in the \xampp\htdocs\xampp\img is the offender.

If you put your favicon.ico in the htdocs folder then for your own site it should find it if your path to it is correct - also doing this will eliminate the favicon.ico error messages in the Apache error.log file...

...but for the XAMPP Welcome page at http://localhost/xampp/ the xampp.ico in the above img folder is used.

Re: Favicon Help

PostPosted: 19. July 2011 15:37
by WilliL
you could also add in html head tag
Code: Select all
         <link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" href="../folder_or_not/your.favicon.ico">
         OR !!!
         <link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" href="http://www.domain.tdl/folder_or_not/your.favicon.ico

Re: Favicon Help

PostPosted: 19. July 2011 16:08
by Altrea
Hi WilliL,
WillL wrote:
Code: Select all
<link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" href="../folder_or_not/your.favicon.ico">

i don't know type="image/jpeg" in relation with ico files. I always use type="image/x-icon". But as far as i know is the type attribute optional on .ico files.

P.S.: allowed filetypes for .ico files are .ico (which is a container file for .bmp files), .gif and .png. So i think image/jpeg can't be a correct possibility.

Re: Favicon Help

PostPosted: 19. July 2011 21:44
by WilliL
hi Altrea,
thanks for that hint .
My used code I found in in i-net when I got a similar problem as DracDennis and it worked.
After reading your post and thinking about it, I think your right, type doesn' t fit. (It's a pity that there was no error message)

I changed my code to
Code: Select all
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="../folder_or_not/your.favicon.ico">