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Help with running Apache on a home computer?

PostPosted: 20. June 2011 18:45
by Jayjay123
I recently did a course on PHP and Apache, which used the XAMPP package. Copying the relevant files onto memory stick, I transferred everything to my home computer. Installation went fine but when I try to run Apache it doesn't seem to work.
Using the path http://localhost/class1.html in my browser gives "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost".

class1.html is where it should be in htdocs.
The application is unblocked on firefox.

I tried changing the port from 80 to 2000 in httpd.conf, but that didnt help. (Yes I used http://localhost:2000)

I am running Window XP, Professional, version 2002, service pack 2. I wonder if I need Server 2003 or such to be able use localhost? Should I be able to use localhost with a default setup or do I need extra software?

I don't want to buy any new stuff, just practice some coding as soon as possible.


Re: Help with running Apache on a home computer?

PostPosted: 20. June 2011 19:05
by JonB
At the moment, have you changed the Listen directive back to Listen 80 in \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf ???

what happens when you start Apache in the XAMMP Control Panel???

Also - have you tried the apache_start.bat in the root of XAMPP???

You should proabably look in the Apache error.log (in apache\logs\) and see what Apache thinks is happening

OTAY, those are my questions for now...

Re: Help with running Apache on a home computer?

PostPosted: 20. June 2011 20:21
by Jayjay123
I've put the port back to 80 since 2000 didn't seem to help.

When I hit Apache Start in the control panel I get "Apache started" message, but the green bar by Apache doesn't appear, and as I said, trying to use localhost gives a connection error.

Running apache_start.bat gives:

Now we start Apache
Starting "apache"... then about 30 seconds later
"apache" is not started.
Press any key to continue . . .

and again connection error for http://localhost/index.html

Error log did have something interesting, not quite sure what to make of it:

(OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Something to do with firewall maybe?

Re: Help with running Apache on a home computer?

PostPosted: 21. June 2011 02:31
by JonB

could be a firewall (check the firewall to see if httpd.exe (apache) in your \xampp\apahe\bin folder is allowed.), could be something else running on ports 80 and/or 443

Are you running Skype? (also creates havoc with webservers as it wants to run on either 80 or 443 so it can dodge firewalls)

Have you had a different websever or suite with webserver installed before on this machine?

Dowload either ActivePorts or Current Ports (both free) to see what applications/services are listening on what ports.

I prefer and know ActivePorts better, but both do teh same ting - tell you what apps are using'listening on what tcp/ip and udp prts, and who is at both ends if connected.

Good Luck