sendmail problems

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sendmail problems

Postby rossbruniges » 01. March 2004 16:43

First things first I have to say that your software is great! I had totally give up trying to install all this stuff myself so being able to use this was superb!

I have just got one prob though, and hopefully its a small one to sort out;

i have created a php form with which i want to send emails with using the sendmail bit of php, when running the script i get the error message :

Warning: mail(): "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in C:\minixampp\htdocs\phpWork\chapter13\email.php on line 6

and in case its needed line 6 of my script is:

if (mail($mailTo, $subject, $body, "From: $mailFrom")) {

the values for the mail function are gained obviously from the form

hope you guys can help, it looks to me like i need to ass something to the php.ini file but as im not sure what to add i thought best thing would be to ask the experts, hope you know the prob!

and also im using the mini version of xampp
Thanks everyone

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Postby MAGnUm » 02. March 2004 15:55

need to configure the smtp server part and you need a mail server to point it to if you dont run your own, your isp's should do the trick if it doesnt require auth.
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Postby rickco » 09. March 2004 13:35

Hello MAGnUm,
I have met this problem too.
So can we know how can we configure the smtp server part?
Which is the configuration file?
please help thanks. :lol:
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search for

Postby MAGnUm » 10. March 2004 02:57

search for php.ini on your computer there will be (or should be) 2 files. i dont know which one is the one wampp uses though... open it and search for SMTP it should have server options around it if you need a sample config private message nigelw and he will help you out.
~~:M A G n U m:~~
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