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2006 - MySQL server has gone away

PostPosted: 03. May 2011 03:00
by amf85
So, I got around to trying the Xampp program for testing out changes on localhost, and I'm running into the following problem any time I try to import my database. I export the database from myphpadmin in cpanel, then i go into myphpadmin in Xampp, import it...and I get what the error below.

SQL query:
INSERT INTO `xf_data_registry` (`data_key`, `data_value`) VALUES ('styles', 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[...]
MySQL said: [IMG]
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away

How do I fix this?

Re: 2006 - MySQL server has gone away

PostPosted: 03. May 2011 14:34
by MrAlexander

I am also experiencing the same issue and looking into this.

Please update me when you find the solution and I will make sure to do the same.

From what I read so far it may be a timeout issue. Personally I don't think so because on my other system it never does this given the same default settings.

Mr. Alexander

Re: 2006 - MySQL server has gone away

PostPosted: 05. May 2011 07:37
by Sharley
See if any of these results for #2006 - MySQL server has gone away gives you clues how to fix this issue - it may mean you have to edit the my.ini file in the \xampp\mysql\bin folder, remember to save the file and then restart MySQL.