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No access to localhost on windows 7 64-bit

PostPosted: 17. March 2011 21:47
by kanlaru
Hello everybody,

i m working on a windows 7 64-bit machine trying to install xampp!

I use the zip-installer and crawled for hours through the internet now!!
The installation delivers me an "OK", apache and mysql running. No errors so far! When i want to access via localhost i get an empty white loading screen.
I took care of localhost in the hosts file.
The IIS is not installed and the apache is started as a service ( even though i tried without that option as well )
The firewall does not block both apps
Win32DisableAcceptEx is entered in the httpd.conf and not commented
I changed the port to listen in the httpd.conf to 8066 and try to access via localhost:8066/xampp or ...
and nothing happens. I urgently need a local development environment!

Please help me with advises...

Thank you all in advance!