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XAMPP 1.7.3 vs. 1.7.4

PostPosted: 10. February 2011 00:24
by drrobi

I've just jumped the bandwagon by upgrading to 1.7.4 but i have more reasons to be sad than happy.
Seems like a lot of stuff that was working just fine in 173 is not working anymore. And i couldnt find a file explaining what exactly changed between these version (other than some version upgrade).

I'll mention a few issues:
1. Every time i start the control panel i get this error (on Windows 7 64 bit):
XAMPP Component Status Check failure[3]. Current directory C:\XAMPP. Run this program only from your XAMPP root directory.
2. Tomcat requires the installation of JDK. However, even after a proper installation, some webapps are not properly deployed. For example i use the WAR files of the Sesame project, one of them being called openrdf-sesame.war. After i copy the war file and restart Tomcat, when i want to access it using localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame, i get an error that says The requested resource () is not available. It worked just fine on XAMPP 173.
3. Maybe the most annoying thing is that a lot of extensions disappeared or are still existing but not working. For example:
- in XAMPP 173, php.ini has about 45 extensions, in 174 only 37
- i tried to install Moodle, which requires the Openssl and Intl extensions; after adding them (while on older versions i just uncommented them), i got a couple of errors saying that it couldnt find the php_intl.dll and icuuc36.dll. The strange thing is that these files actually exist and are correctly placed (in the xampp\php and xampp\php\ext folders)!

So, before switching back to an older version, is there any resource where i can find what exactly was changed between these two versions, what was dropped and what was added (and why dlls are not found even if they are properly located)?


Re: XAMPP 1.7.3 vs. 1.7.4

PostPosted: 04. March 2011 09:39
by arturas
MOODLE intl.dll xampp 1.7.4
http://tecnologia-internet-y-formacion. ... on-de.html
PHP.INI add:

Copy 5 libaarty files icuu*36.dll source U.\xampp\php (leave old files) to U:/xampp/apache/bin, enjoy it works :)
Have fun!