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Ldaps with xampp for Windows

PostPosted: 09. February 2011 21:30
by tonpelaud

I try to implement ldaps with xampp for Windows, with no success.
Where can'I find documentation about using ldaps with xampp for Windows ?

Best regards

Re: Ldaps with xampp for Windows

PostPosted: 09. February 2011 22:45
by jrevillini
I always referred to the LDAP functions pages and got most of my info from there. I will say that there is one aspect of LDAP that doesn't really work well in PHP and that is subtree searches against a W2K3 Active Directory. For whatever reason, PHP LDAP doesn't chase referrals properly which means that you might successfully connect to and bind to, but a search for userprincipalname=j* will fail if the users whose account names start with J are in a subdomain DN, like

A tool that I found to be VERY helpful in making sure I knew I could even connect to the LDAP server was LDP.exe, a free tool you can find on the MS site. ... laylang=en

ALso, I just realized you're trying to do ldapS. That's brave. One stumbling block for me was that it seems you DO need to connect to the thing using ldap_connect('ldaps://', 636); Also, make sure you have the ldap module enabled in php.ini, as well as the ssl module.

I hope that's a good start. Plug away at it and if you have further specific questions, maybe I can help.

Re: Ldaps with xampp for Windows

PostPosted: 12. February 2011 16:17
by tonpelaud

Many thanks you for your answer.
The Ldap I want to use is the corporate Ladp of my compagny which is not an MS AD but a x500 Ldap.
Actualy I use a ldap (not ldaps) connection with success but for security reason I want to use ldaps.
Ldap module and ssl module are enable on my Xampp server.
I have 2 certificats, one is a Root CA certificat and the other an authentification certificat.
I don't know where to put these 2 certicats in my Windows Xampp server.
I don't know what to configure in my Windows Xampp server.

Best Regards

Re: Ldaps with xampp for Windows

PostPosted: 12. February 2011 21:38
by jrevillini
Either get a certificate and key from your CA or convert their downloadable certificate to a CRT and a key file using OpenSSL and the pks12 utility. has articles on exactly how. One you have the files, the go in xampp/apache/conf/ directories. You will then restart xampp... No confit changes should be required, but if you want to learn about the way it's configured, open xampp/apache/conf/extras/ssl.conf or something similar.