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Help with Server side includes

PostPosted: 12. February 2004 14:36
by guido174
Does anyone know how to use headers and footers thru includes?
<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
I'm running on Windows XP so I can't use the XBitHack Directive.
Thanks for any help

PostPosted: 19. February 2004 15:38
by MAGnUm
i never really use ssl, so here is something in php that should do it for you.

Code: Select all
<?php include 'your_file_name.html'; ?>

that will do it. as far as ssl ???


PostPosted: 20. February 2004 14:56
by guido174
Thanks MAGnUm!
Your solution is probably correct but I can't use it. Our main web site uses apache for linux and my local test site uses apache for windows. I don't want to have two different sets of code to maintain.
Thanks anyway for your response.


PostPosted: 26. February 2004 00:35
by MAGnUm
yes it will work just place all of u=your includes into a single dir and have you host config php.ini on your linux host to point to that include dir. includes search for the files in a couple of dirs the one the file is in and the ones you specify in php.ini. hope this helps. your web host should know what i am talking about if you dont, if not find one that does. good luck.

PostPosted: 12. March 2004 13:03
by Yana
Help, please! So and I tried to use SSI on XAMPP (Windows XP) but shtml-file doesn't work. What I have to change in httpd.conf?

Please, don't advise me something other (PHP etc) but exactly for SSI

PostPosted: 12. March 2004 14:55
by Yana
Ended! I've found it!

You have to activate this thing (to delete #)
Code: Select all
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

Then add that code below
Code: Select all
<Directory "[directory_for_users'_sites]">
   Options Includes

Example. I have XAMPP in E:/xampp
Users' sites are here: E:/users

My code
Code: Select all
<Directory "/users">
   Options Includes