how do i disable perl?

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how do i disable perl?

Postby asmoreno » 06. February 2004 05:32

um, do i disable perl :?:
Posts: 2
Joined: 06. February 2004 05:14

Don't - just ignore it!

Postby chanio » 11. February 2004 22:51

I guess that Apache needs it!
You should also, if you could know how to get profit from it.
Read about modperl...
If you are using the standard ActivePerl at C:\Perl you could use it to log all your PMs. I once tryied to unify both perls and did a real mess.
I now keep both perls. But add a use lib 'c:\perl\lib', 'etc.'; at every script.
Gallactic Firewall
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