tweaks for web hosting

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tweaks for web hosting

Postby asmoreno » 06. February 2004 05:31

I'd like to be a free web host. i've learned of some security issues that invlove php and mysql, but am wondering what other issuses must i address. how can i make my server safe under a shared enviroment :?:
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same question

Postby mkormendy » 08. February 2004 21:31

I'm pretty much asking the same thing too.
No-one's answered ...
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issues to consider:

Postby quespul » 09. February 2004 10:53

a good-looking control panel
a live support system
a billing system
a good internet connection
newest tech
webmail access

and lots of time to spend in front of a computer...want more?
research on yourself, give it a try, it's cool believe me
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Postby mkormendy » 09. February 2004 16:43

It's too bad that a larger portion of research time is spent filtering through the abundance of smart-ass remarks and completely useless comments.

For once in the existence of the internet, I'd love to just be able to go onto a help forum and be able to expect help unconditionally without the obvious crap-remarks wasting that oh so precious time apparently needed. :evil:
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Have your heard of ModPerl?

Postby chanio » 11. February 2004 22:31

I guess that if you need control, you must learn modperl. You must know that perl is the language that mainly rules Apache. So, using modperl you are putting things inside your server. I have read that with a few changings of your server's handlers you are able to do amazing things.
There is a pdf with a manual about all these at the apache comunity. Just google 'modperl tutorial' to see what you get.
May be that there is a slow learning curve but the results should be amazing.
Perl works quick but modperl works 10 times faster since the script is compiled only once!
The problem is only that it only works with Apache. But if your are talking of your server Apache. You should have no problem in adding SSL + code checking + special redirections, etc!
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Postby luisnoel » 16. February 2004 19:34

An small comment
I have been trying to set a free web hosting for "Pet Protectors" for about 4 months now. Xampp is the best, and if you add the control panel software it works perfect. The problem is the time you need to spend in front of your computer and all the security holes that only experts can close.
In the other hand, remember your up BW in an adsl is allways small, and a few visits would "crunch"it.
I would advise you to use the server for your personal sites, but to make a hosting Free or paid you should use a reseller account, it is cheap, and very reliable. You can find one at or go to, the service is the best. Also es very good. There are a lot of other very cheap options, but you know "if you pay peanuts you get monkies" :lol:
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hosting software

Postby xeroryder » 19. February 2004 08:38

try zpanel at if you want to host... i think i'm gonna wait till they come out with a version with built in ftp and some other features that it currently lacks.
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