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Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 06. October 2010 00:29
by Draksis314
I need some help setting up SSI on my 64 bit Win 7 computer running XAMPP.

My first issue is that when I rename my homepage index.shtml (from index.html), my browser gives me the "[an error occurred while processing this directive]" message where the SSI should go. I know it's not an issue with my coding, since I sent all of my files to a friend that also uses XAMPP, and the SSI worked fine on his server. Is there any edit I could make that makes this issue go away?

My second issue is that I am developing a website that utilizes SSI on almost every page. Therefore, I do not want to change all of my website extensions to .shtml. I was looking online, but none of the help I found was able to help me be able to parse .html files as well as .shtml file for SSI. Can somebody help me do this?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 06. October 2010 01:49
by JonB
AFAIK - XAMMP defaults to SSI working (and to make sure I just tested with a clean install)

the "It Works" index.html page now says:

It works!


So - First, I guess we should check if SSI's are enabled

go to the XAMPP page http://localhost/xampp and click Status - does SSI show as Activated?

if not check this line in \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf to make sure its not commented out.

LoadModule include_module modules/

Also check this section to make sure Includes is there.

<Directory "C:/xampp-new-folder/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI


Just another thought? do you have either a .htacess file in /htdocs OR are you using a vhost?

As for your seconf question, the Xbit hack probably won't work on Windows, so "I don't know!"

Good Luck

Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 06. October 2010 02:27
by Draksis314
I tried what you said, and everything was as it should be. Perhaps I should add that the SSI had worked for a day or so before it started doing this. After that, I did a clean reinstall of XAMPP, and the problem still appears.

Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 06. October 2010 03:52
by JonB
Its pretty strict code, perhaps an editign error broke it.

Did it stop working AFTER you sent the code to your friend? - prolly a syntax error. Have the friend send back the working files.

Good luck

Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 07. October 2010 23:30
by Draksis314
My friend has sent me all of his files. They work fine, so I'm pretty sure that it's a server config problem. After all, the SSI is just one line in the HTML.

Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 08. October 2010 00:14
by JonB
They work on your server? :?:

you also never answered the question "does SSI show as activated" on the XAMPP status page.


Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 09. October 2010 00:26
by Draksis314
Yes, it showed up as activated.

No, they don't work on my server. I should have clarified, sorry: They work fine on my friend's server, but not on mine.

Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 09. October 2010 00:58
by Draksis314
Update: I installed normal Apache (not XAMPP), and I get the same trouble. :roll:

Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 09. October 2010 11:39
by JonB
Well - I guess its NOT a server issue (as I have thought all along).

why don't you send me a PM, and we will see what we can do about figuring this out?


Re: Help Setting Up SSI

PostPosted: 09. October 2010 16:49
by Draksis314
OK, I figured it out. It was a really stupid thing... :oops:

The SSI reference in my HTML started with a "/". I didn't know that that referenced to the server root directory, and that's where my friend put his files. Thanks for the help, though!