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xampp-win32-1.7.3 win2008 x64

PostPosted: 18. September 2010 16:55
by blondie73
I've installed successfully xampp-win32-1.7.3 on one server win2008 x64
I've seen that installed PHP release is 5.3.1 (phpinfo() )
Is it good to upgrade to latest 5.3.3 ?
If yes, which package i've to use (VC9 o VC6) ?

Many thanks for answers


Re: xampp-win32-1.7.3 win2008 x64

PostPosted: 19. September 2010 16:19
by JonB
Put shortly - you can't upgrade any of the crtical components - meaning Apache, PHP, Perl, MySQL - separately.

XAMMP (as been said in this forum hundreds of times) is a suite. All the parts are tailored to work together.

If you want speciifc version combinations, you should install the packages standalone and integrate them.

FYI - XAMPP is built with VC6 complied components. The components/extensions must also be for the same version of Apache, Perl, PHP etc. Mix and matcxh does not work.

Good luck with your project.



Re: xampp-win32-1.7.3 win2008 x64

PostPosted: 19. September 2010 23:07
by blondie73
Many thanks and sorry for this question...
