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Access of MySQL on command line

PostPosted: 15. August 2010 11:15
by ucas
Hi. I use Windows 7. I use beta version of XAMPP. I uploaded sql files, created databse user. Now how to access that database over windows command line?
Cheers :roll:

Re: Access of MySQL on command line

PostPosted: 15. August 2010 13:14
by JonB
Thanks to your lack of self-control and incredibly discourteous post on the other topic, I won't be answering your question.

BTW <> this particular question has nothing to do with XAMPP, rather your impatience and complete lack of knowlege. Get a book or tutuorial on MySQL.


Re: Access of MySQL on command line

PostPosted: 15. August 2010 13:34
by ucas
I am trying to obtain some skills on SQL language. But still that is not the main subject I am interested in. Thus I am trying to spend just few moments on irrelevent things. Time goes so fast......

Re: Access of MySQL on command line

PostPosted: 16. August 2010 04:49
by JonB
ucas -

Thank you for the sincere apology you sent me.

You can either use the MySQL command line tools with arguments for specific tasks
Open a command window at C:\xampp\mysql\bin

then use (for instance) mysqldump.exe (with parameters) to backup Databases and/or tables
mysqladmin - to administer the databases with command lne directives

To start a session for manipulating MySQL databases with SQL statements/directives
Open a command window at C:\xampp\mysql\bin
mysql.exe -u 'root' -p 'yourpassword'
This will start the MySQL monitor - some call it the MySQL shell - but the correct name is Monitor (works the same on any platform basically)

OR use this clever tool 'MySQL Workbench' (which I use) its a local GUI Client to design/build/use MySQL databases. (works with any MySQL database - local or remote- uses Connect [obviously]) :mrgreen:

Good Luck

Re: Access of MySQL on command line

PostPosted: 16. August 2010 09:22
by ucas
No problem. Thanks for info.