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Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 12. August 2010 04:29
by JBbowser
Hi, hope someone can help! I installed XAMPP and Wordpress so I could practice from my own server and to allow clients to log in and see the progress on their site as I go. I can get to the WP login page for my site from localhost, (http://localhost/sitename), but when trying to access it from another computer, up comes "New XAMPP security concept: Access to the requested directory is only available from the local network. This setting can be configured in the file "httpd-xampp.conf".

I've searched several sites for help w/o much luck. I tried to change httpd-xampp.conf, (allow all) which didn't work. I'm using dyndns, and used their site to verify that port 80 is open and accessible to incoming connections. My error log shows "client denied by server configuration: C:/xampp/htdocs/xampp/ . I'm not a super-techie and am just learning server stuff, so I would appreciate any assistance in very plain terms, please. Thanks in advance!


Re: Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 12. August 2010 16:14
by JonB
two questions

What exact address are you using as an address on the other machines?


what is the ServerName in xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf?


Re: Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 12. August 2010 21:13
by JBbowser
Hello, JonB:

Yesterday I had someone try typing in (my dyndns domain) and also with /apexwellness (the WP site folder) appended - netiher address worked. (It should go to a WP login page) I should mention that last night I went into Zone Alarm and allowed, across the board, everything Apache related. Today, when I try from my computer, it appends /xampp and shows me the xampp 'Congratulations, you have installed XAMPP' page. Shouldn't it show me my WP page? When I type in the same address with /apexwellness, it does take me to my WP login page. I haven't yet tested it from another computer.

I can still access it with localhost/apexwellness, however, when I submit this address, Apache redirects thus:

http:// localhost/ ApexWellness/ wp-login.php? (spaces added) Is this proper and correct? Sorry, this XAMPP stuff is all pretty new to me....

The server in the httpd.conf is localhost:80.

Thanks for your help!


Re: Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 12. August 2010 23:22
by JonB
I have to be honest, if you plan on having 'clients' (who would presumably pay you) you should probably fork out for a fixed IP address or (shock) use a hosting service. :shock: The ideal platform to develop WordPress on is a managed VPS. they run about $40-50 a month for a good sized starter.

The opinion I just expressed is my own only, but is the result of many years of experience. Really learning WordPress, its structure and how to write/modify code for it is a huge learning curve. Then there is theme modification and plug-in soup. Add to that all the little pieces; - backup, security, how to transfer sites to new hosts, mail integration, oooops - forgot SEO and metrics... Much, much to know and master. Why add to an already tall mountain you need to climb?

I'll point out that all the time you spend struggling with self-hosting could be spent mastering skills (such as designing a new theme) or writing/coding things like new page templates or ... doing the work you get PAID for...

I have completely tuned a blind eye to the need-to-know of MySQL and the intracacies of PHP configuration, but those are on the list as well.

The positive side of self-hosting is that you will get to learn a lot about Apache, .htaccess, security, MySQL and phpMyAdmin. The PHP parts you would have to learn in any scenario.

Be that as it may - the ServerName needs to be the primary hostname on your domain. AND -- once you get things working (if you do) you need to learn about vhosts.

Good Luck

Re: Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 13. August 2010 00:03
by JBbowser

I'm just trying to learn, that's all. I, too, would eventually like to have many years experience, but I have to start somewhere, and I thought this might be the place to assist me in that endeavor. If there is a forum for newbie's, please direct me there so I can get help. Thanks.

Re: Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 13. August 2010 00:14
by JonB
did you change the ServerName?


Re: Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 13. August 2010 00:41
by JBbowser
Yes. I changed it to

If I try to go to that address from my own browser and it works, (it does), does that mean my page is accessible to the outside world?

Re: Can't access server from outside source.

PostPosted: 13. August 2010 04:25
by JonB
At the moment, that address draws a blank (but no errors either) or

Did you reconfigure your router to support port forwarding on port 80?

The easiest thing to do would be to place a basic 'placeholder' index.html file in the root of htdocs, and rename index.php to some other name (so you don't have the XAMPP page redirection). This way you can test without worrying about security.

Good Luck