Installing CURL

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Installing CURL

Postby cornernote » 25. January 2004 14:58


Has anyone installed CURL with XAMPP for windows? I would appriciate any tips of advice on installing it.

Best regards,
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Postby cornernote » 25. January 2004 15:03

Just found this post:

I did what it said with no luck. curl_init() still comes back as undefined function. I cannot read any of the comments as they are not in english.
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Postby cornernote » 22. February 2004 05:06


After hours and hours of looking around I figured it out! YAY!

I was editing:

Then I looked at my phpinfo to see where the php.ini was loading from. Turns out it is here:

I feel so stupid but I will post incase someone else makes the same mistake.

Best regards,
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i did for a while

Postby MAGnUm » 26. February 2004 00:37

but when i change things and nothing changed i looked around. thx for finally posting it though. (EDIT: what the heck was i on? i made no sense as)
Last edited by MAGnUm on 17. March 2004 21:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TheStormer » 17. March 2004 11:33

mhhh ... any solutions? irgendwelche Lösungen?

I'd the same problem, still: Call to undefined function: curl_init()

- edit php.ini
- copy the dll's to system32

Thanks for supporting!

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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 17. March 2004 11:37


I have it running here...
You problably got the wrong php.ini.
You need the one in /xampp/apache/bin

Works fine here, without installing anything extra.

So long
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Postby TheStormer » 17. March 2004 11:45

Hit ... yes, after editing the third php.ini ;-) it works lovely.

Thanks-a-lot for the very quick answer!

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Postby arya009 » 11. December 2006 11:38

cornernote wrote:Hello,

After hours and hours of looking around I figured it out! YAY!

I was editing:

Then I looked at my phpinfo to see where the php.ini was loading from. Turns out it is here:

I feel so stupid but I will post incase someone else makes the same mistake.

Best regards,

Thanks...that works....apparantly i was also editing C:\xampp\php\php.ini but i was not checking with phpinfo :D
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Postby harryatworld » 31. December 2006 16:59

thanks für die hilfreichen antworten, weil ohne diese hätte ich nicht weiter gewusst. Da die Anleitung bei cUrl mir nicht besonders weiter geholfen hatte.
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Do I edit JUST the php.ini under C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini

Postby lostndazed » 20. March 2007 20:05

Or all php.ini files?
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Postby mscand » 15. July 2007 13:02


Your method for fixing cURL (i.e. editing the file in the apache/bin folder) worked for me too.

Thank you very much.
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Postby shrg18 » 28. December 2007 22:05

I got this error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in C:\xampp\htdocs\webbots\LIB_http.php on line 249

I have enabled curl in xampp\php\php.ini (extension=php_curl.dll at line 582). it works fine at command line, but not in localhost.

check the list, xampp\php\php -m , curl is among the list.

look at xampp\apache\bin\php.ini , there is none curl in the file and all extensions are uncommented. Is it the right file? where should I look and what should I do?
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Postby sari42 » 29. December 2007 00:03

...look at xampp\apache\bin\php.ini , there is none curl in the file and all extensions are uncommented. Is it the right file?
it is the right place (didn't you read this thread?)

just change it to
(or add that line if it's missing) and restart apache.

it's always clever to ask phpinfo(); for the location of the used php.ini
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Postby shrg18 » 29. December 2007 04:44

sari42 wrote:
...look at xampp\apache\bin\php.ini , there is none curl in the file and all extensions are uncommented. Is it the right file?
it is the right place (didn't you read this thread?)

just change it to
(or add that line if it's missing) and restart apache.

it's always clever to ask phpinfo(); for the location of the used php.ini

thank you. it is fixed.

I copied extension=php_curl.dll to xampp\apache\bin\php.ini and restart the windows. it works.

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