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What am I doing?

PostPosted: 27. May 2010 20:49
by jpr28056
Please be easy. I have never used phpmyadmin or xampp and am wanting to set up OSCommerce locally before uploading to my host. I have Apache and Mysql running and am on the phpmyadmin control panel. Set up a root password and got back in ( I was surprised). I am assuming I need to set up a database such as my domain to upload the oscommerce files to? I was also trying to get filezilla to connect using localhost, user, my password and port 21 and it would not connect. I have a website using prestahop on my host already but the setup was pretty automatic through fantastico. I just want to check out this other store software to see if I like it better without doing it through my host.

Thanks for any help.

Re: What am I doing?

PostPosted: 28. May 2010 14:14
by LooseCannon
Hello and welcome jpr28056.

I'm not sure what you're asking.

You can get into (log onto) phpMyAdmin for the local/new XAMPP installation? If so, you'll see some system/MySQL databases already exist. You now have to bring in (upload/import) your own website's databases. Or create new ones.

You can get the the existing database (files thereof) from your current host? Hosting packaging often enable you to download/export. Then you can import into your XAMPP, or create a new one using phpMyAdmin.

Re: What am I doing?

PostPosted: 28. May 2010 15:08
by jpr28056
Thanks for the reply

I figured out part of it because I didn't have filezilla service installed. I already had the filezilla client software used to upload my existing website to my host. My problem is now that I don't have a clue how to upload the files with filezilla to the localhost. This is a steep learning curve for an old guy with 6 kids.

edit: Slowly but surely I'm getting there. I now have filezilla connected. Do I need to set up a database in phpmyadmin such as the domain name and upload the files to it?

Re: What am I doing?

PostPosted: 28. May 2010 15:11
by JonB
Uhhhh - you don't have to 'upload' files....

Just copy them with Windows Explorer. 'localhost' is YOUR machine.
