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Sending mails from contact form via xampp

PostPosted: 19. May 2010 19:56
by bookie56
Hi folks :D
I am new on the block and could do with some help. I have read umteen different docs about my problem but just getting more and more confused.

I have been working on rebuilding my site in Dreamweaver CS4 and have just created a contact form which i would like to test the mail on....

OK! Have Xampp installed and having trouble setting it up so that I can send mails from contact form.

My broadband supplier here in Sweden has I want to set up so that I can send mails to my gmail address.......

At the moment I keep getting faults and unsure if I need to setup mercury for this or is it just a case of configuring the php.ini file or is there more to be done.

Has anyone written a "how to" on this.


Re: Sending mails from contact form via xampp

PostPosted: 19. May 2010 22:24
by JonB
It should be a php.ini fix

search for
[mail function]

fix this:


optionally also fix the

;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost

provided they use port 25 and do not require authentication, it should 'just work' ... -email-php

brought to you by : "the wonders of Googling"


Re: Sending mails from contact form via xampp

PostPosted: 20. May 2010 08:03
by bookie56
Hi JonB :D

Did I detect a little sarcasim in your post....LOL

OK! Point taken....googled my arse off but was so swamped with info didn't no where to turn.

Your info was right and it was right all along on my xampp aswell....the culprit was my "thankyou_form"...for some reason I had added a / to the code and that must have been when I was tired....LOL

It looks like this now $from_email = ""; and not $from_email = "/"; the script had been set up without the backslash!!

Now my mails go directly to my box :D

My fault!

I do thank you for your time!


Re: Sending mails from contact form via xampp

PostPosted: 20. May 2010 23:38
by JonB
I'm glad its working
