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Problems with Phing

PostPosted: 06. March 2010 15:32
by rstackhouse

When I run phing -v from a directory other than C:\Windows\System32 on Vista I get the following message:
No VERSION.TXT file found; try setting phing.home environment variable.

However, when I run phing -v from C:\Windows\System32, it works outputting the following message:
Phing 2.4.0

Any ideas why this is?

Re: Problems with Phing

PostPosted: 28. October 2010 12:21
by jtodaa
I'm new to XAMPP and PEAR and I had the same issue. I had run "pear install -a phing/phing" from a standard command window running as administrator. Everything seemed to install ok, but when using it I would get the same error.

The key was to run all the pear commands from c:\XAMPP\xampp_shell.bat. Then I found I could call phing -v from any directory regardless of being in the shell or a normal dos prompt and more importantly for me the package propel/propel-generator which depends on phing started working.

Hope this helps someone because it caused a lot stuffing around for me. I guess I'm just too used to windows, note to self, shell != dos prompt. :D