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How to relocate the installation on a portable USB drive?

PostPosted: 04. January 2010 19:43
by Parafly9
I must be missing something obvious. I run setup_xampp in the xampp folder; click on "2" --> ENTER for "Relocate XAMPP - Current Directory G:\Programs\XAMPP, then it asks me if I want to make a portable XAMPP without drive letters, I say "Yes" , and then it goes into relocating everything.... to the same place it already was!

I want to move XAMPP from the \programs directory to the root of the drive; so that I can add the XAMPP icon to the PortableApps launcher on my USB drive. help! (I can always reinstall if I need to.... )

Re: How to relocate the installation on a portable USB drive?

PostPosted: 05. January 2010 00:42
by Izzy
You must move the XAMPP folder physically to G:\XAMPP from G:\Programs\XAMPP yourself and then run the setup_xampp.bat file as the bat file can't move the folder for you.

BTW the default is lower case xampp and if you are moving the folder then this would be a good time to change it to lower case.

Re: How to relocate the installation on a portable USB drive?

PostPosted: 05. January 2010 05:59
by InsayneWrapper
Yes, when you run setup_xampp.bat there's an option called relocate, when you run that you will be asked if you want to run without drive names, choose yes and that should do it for you.