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Yes, I searched but I can't figure this out

PostPosted: 14. October 2009 23:57
by conticreative
I have had Xampp for a while now and it has been working fine . Recently I started using Skype and I changed Skype's port so Xampp could work unhindered. So far so good.

However, lately when I try starting Xampp, I often get a totally blank page at my localhost. (and, strangely enough, my Firefox wants to open it with IEtab, a FF add on, but that's beside the point).

Often, if I restart and try to launch XAmpp again, it'll work but it's sort of hit and miss. Sometimes it works and I can see the XAMPP admin page, PMA, and so forth, other times just the blank page.

I took notes and tried to figure out what may be causing this. Even keeping track of any other program I may have open t the same time, but there seem to be no difference from the times it works and the times it doesn't.

My XAMPP is a bit older, because I am a Joomla developer and I cannot install the version using php 5.3. , but that too should make no difference.

Has anyone experienced something like this? What could be the cure?

While I am at it, I'd like to upgrade but keep 5.2.x as my PHP version. At least until Joomla fixes the incompatibility. How do I go about it? There used to be packages I could install to run php4 and php5 at the same time, but I can't find them anymore.

I guess I'll make a separate post for that one, but anyone reading this with a hint on how to go about installing php5.2.x, please let me know.
