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XAMPP security too high? Local fine, remote not..

PostPosted: 22. September 2009 03:45
by ichorworkstudios
I installed XAMPP yesterday, and it was working fine. Using a free dynamic DNS service, I was able to access the site in a 'remote' fashion, and a friend of mine successfully tested it from his home. I hadn't jumped through the security hoops though, and most of my services were running unprotected.

I performed the suggested security changes, but now I only have http://localhost/ access (or whatever other method,, etc.) and no longer does the dynamic DNS service work. If I attempt to access the site via the remote method, it simply hangs, and provides no page data. Just:

Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Webpage

Most likely causes: ...

Re: XAMPP security too high? Local fine, remote not..

PostPosted: 22. September 2009 03:48
by ichorworkstudios

I'm not trying to access the XAMPP pages or any of that data remotely..

I've put a subdirectory in the HTDOCS directory and called it "testsite" with a few PHP, HTML, etc. pages and files.

I'm trying to access the page via "", rather than via localhost.