My wireless router causes problems..

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

My wireless router causes problems..

Postby Dudijs » 15. September 2009 20:55

Hello. I was wondering if any of you ( xampp users ) has had the same problem so you could help me.
My computer has both Ubuntu Linux and Windows XP systems installed, and i've installed XAMPP 1.7.2 on both systems, and both has the same problem. :D

Its all OK with XAMPP, but the problem is with my wireless router.
I get internet from this router using wire(its wireless because we have many laptops), and my router is connected to my adapter also with wire.
So i've opened xampp panel and both apache and mysql are running. I can open my website by opening web browser and opening site http://localhost, but i cant open http://(my IP). When i do it, my router asks me username and password. Ive tried typing in the same user and pass i use for accessing wireless internet, but it doesn't work. And my friends over internet they cant open my IP too, it wont load.

I managed to solve the problem by connecting my computer directly to the adapter, now everyone could see my website by opening my IP (which changed when i connected my computer with adapter). But my adapter has only 1 place to plug in the wire, so in this way i don't have wireless internet for my laptop.

I have ASUS WL520gc router.

So is there any way i could configure my router to allow me and other people opening my website? How?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english. :wink:
Posts: 1
Joined: 15. September 2009 20:32

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