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status says mysql = deactivated, phpmyadmin works fine

PostPosted: 26. August 2009 10:22
by edzillion
After setting the root password for the mysql server, I couldn't get into phpmyadmin until I edited the line
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''

Is there some xampp equivalent config file that I should change too? It is showing 'deactivated' under the status page (in fact the only one activated is HTTPS (SSL) )
Some of the demo's dont work (Could not connect to database! Is MySQL running or did you change the password?) - strangely the ADOdb demo works (I think ... "Beauty, Groove Armada, 1997) .

Any ideas? Thanks


Re: status says mysql = deactivated, phpmyadmin works fine

PostPosted: 26. August 2009 12:27
by edzillion
FWIW I fixed this problem:

I reinstalled and this time did not add a virtual host for my site. e.g.

<VirtualHost example.local>
DocumentRoot "C:\path\to\your\site"
ServerName example.local

CustomLog "C:\path\to\your\site\logs\example.local.access.log" combined
ErrorLog "C:\path\to\your\site\logs\example.local.error.log"

<Directory "C:\path\to\your\site">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Anyway, all of them are activted now, apart from the bottom three (as expected).

Re: status says mysql = deactivated, phpmyadmin works fine

PostPosted: 10. September 2009 13:25
by liza09
Glad that you found the solution yourself. It's gonna help those who are having problems too.

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