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MySQL> Import> ... (file charset) XAMPP version 1.7.2

PostPosted: 20. August 2009 09:24
by seldon
When I look at the site, click the trial button, (which will lead you here)

(1) type the name of a new database and collation as euckr_bin
(2) choose Korean in that language comboBox.
(3) And then I click the import tab
(4) File Charset : comboBox <--- Here, YES! -- I can see "euckr"

However, when I download

Apache Friends XAMPP (Basis Package) version 1.7.2

and then, run the phpMyAdmin, there is no euckr in the comboBox at import tab
even to select. I am stuck. Is there any way of solving this situation?

What do I need to do?
Thanks in advance -

Re: MySQL> Import> ... (file charset) XAMPP version 1.7.2

PostPosted: 31. August 2009 11:49
by Wiedmann
Is there any way of solving this situation?

The easiest and portable way is to convert the file you want import from "euc-kr" to "utf-8".

(an quick fix may be, to add 'euc-kr' to $cfg['AvailableCharsets'] in "\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php".)

Re: MySQL> Import> ... (file charset) XAMPP version 1.7.2

PostPosted: 31. August 2009 14:14
by seldon
I found extremely puzzled on this situation because the web site that shows demonstrates there is EUR-KR.
Now, when we actually download and run, suddenly it is different from what has been demonstrated in the web?
Why? and How? it can be different?

When they demonstrate, they use something perfect, and ask us to download something defective?
I don't understand their motive? This is total confusion, though?
Should it be installed the same identical copy to demonstrate as well as download for common user, shouldn't it?
I need some answer, some logical answer -

Thanks -

Re: MySQL> Import> ... (file charset) XAMPP version 1.7.2

PostPosted: 31. August 2009 14:19
by Nobbie
seldon wrote:I need some answer, some logical answer -

And why do you find it "logical" to ask somewhere in the world someone else, instead of asking there where you found that?

Re: MySQL> Import> ... (file charset) XAMPP version 1.7.2

PostPosted: 31. August 2009 15:57
by seldon

I found this site is related with this apache Friends group,if I am not mistaken.
No offence to anyone. So, I created another thread asking the same question who made that site, today.
Simple -

Re: MySQL> Import> ... (file charset) XAMPP version 1.7.2

PostPosted: 31. August 2009 16:07
by Wiedmann
I found this site is related with this apache Friends group

Simple answer: No.

("" is not the same string as ""...)