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Unable to access files

PostPosted: 16. August 2009 18:17
by Bapixx2
I have a applicatio structure "

|_ myapplication
| |- class
| |- abc.class.php
|- cdf.php

cdf.php is the main running script. It call "abc.class.php" with "include_once(../myapplication/com/class/abc.class.php)".

When i run the cdf.php it give error. It says - "Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in C:\xampp\htdocs\myapplication1\app\cdf.php.php on line 10"

Why cdf.php cann't access abc.class.php file?

Re: Unable to access files

PostPosted: 16. August 2009 21:47
by Nobbie
The error message does not match the include-Statement you are showing us.

Due to the message, on line 10 is an include (or include_once or similar) which does NOT simply include a file (path), but an URI. The include-Statement which fits to the error message looks like:

include ("")

and NOT(!) like


You see the difference?