installing apache 2.0 w/ PHP 4 on WN2000

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

installing apache 2.0 w/ PHP 4 on WN2000

Postby marcsimus » 15. November 2003 17:01

i have been trying to install apache 2.0 with PHP4 on my windows box running 2000. I currently have an MS server with IIS running on the same box.

My problem is i cannot access the htdocs directory through a browser using http://localhost/. it always resolves to my local ms server. i have tried to rename the url in the config file for apache. but that doesn't seem to work.

is there any way i can have the two servers run on the same box?

Postby Kristian Marcroft » 15. November 2003 19:34


1. moved to the english Part of the Forum :)
2. yes it is possible...

But you have to change something in the httpd.conf
in /xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf there yould be a line like:

Listen 80

you have to change this to:

Listen 8080

Then restart Apache and then enter http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Are you actually using XAMPP or is it a self installed Apache?

So long
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Kristian Marcroft
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