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How Do I properly Enable SSL?

PostPosted: 09. December 2008 18:50
by biztastic
I want my website, or some pages to be https, not http. How do I do this? I have used the makecert.bat and then after making a certificate I go to my website at https but it says "Failed to load" "Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection."

I used search for SSL and it said that phrase is too common, so I used search for enable ssl and it said that phrase is too common. So the search feature of this board seems bugged.

I have searched all over google, why is it such a secret on how to enable ssl?

When I enable in httpd.conf "Listen 443" then Apache will not start, if I comment out Listen 443 like #Listen 443 then Apache will start, so I dunno why

Re: How Do I properly Enable SSL?

PostPosted: 09. December 2008 21:09
by Sharley
SSL is already enabled in XAMPP.

All the relevant folders are in .\xampp\apache\conf and there is some informative reading in those folders.

The SSL configuration file is in .\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf and so any configuration edits are made in this file not in the default httpd.conf file.

...and yes the forum search facility is broken after the forum upgrade.