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Browser tries to download PHP

PostPosted: 20. October 2008 17:49
by northstarfalling
OS:Windows XP Pro

Apache and PHP Installed by XAMPP v1.6.8

I just started using Apache as my localhost to make changes to my website before I make the changes for real. I am new to using a localhost at all.

Here is the problem. I made a PHP test file (just the normal php info test) I placed the file in C:\xampp\htdocs and ran it in Firefox with the URL: http://localhost/phptest.php this works fine.

Then I tried placing it in a folder and ran it
Also fine.

Then I tried placing the test file in my website folder
and ran it as http://localhost/website/phptest.php

At this point Firefox wants to download the test file, any ideas on what would be making it do that?

The website is my company's and I was not employed when it was created, so I am not super familiar with what all is there.



PostPosted: 20. October 2008 17:57
by Wiedmann
Then I tried placing the test file in my website folder

At this point Firefox wants to download the test file, any ideas on what would be making it do that?

The website is my company's and I was not employed when it was created,

There are other files in "C:\xampp\htdocs\website" (e.g. a ".htaccess")?

PostPosted: 23. October 2008 06:55
by Sho-Down
Wiedmann wrote:
There are other files in "C:\xampp\htdocs\website" (e.g. a ".htaccess")?

I'm not the original poster (didn't want to make a new post) but maybe you can help me, I'm having the exact problem as him and yes, there is a .htaccess file and a .htaccess.addHandlerBak file in my folder.

Here's a screen shot of the files/folders inside of my folder:

I tried the "test.php" method he did and it worked for me too, the test.php file came up fine in a folder by itself, but when I try to go to http://localhost/wplocal Firefox pops up a download box asking me if I want to Open or Save the file. Same thing happens if I go to http://localhost/

So it's a file inside wplocal that's causing the problem, can you tell me what file it is and how to fix it?

PostPosted: 23. October 2008 07:31
by Wiedmann
there is a .htaccess file and a .htaccess.addHandlerBak file in my folder.

The file ".htaccess" can cause this problem. Remove this file temporarily and try again.

PostPosted: 23. October 2008 08:52
by Sho-Down
Thanks, that worked :)

This is for a Wordpress blog, I'm trying to clone it basically on my localhost. I can see my site now but only the "Home" link is working correctly. In phpmyadmin I changed the siteurl and home in wp_options, but the menu links are linking back to my .com site and the links that do have the right url (ie: http://localhost/wplocal/category/club/) go to an Object not found! page.

Anything I'm missing here?

Could it be the Wordpress plugins or something causing the problem?

PostPosted: 23. October 2008 09:00
by Wiedmann
but the menu links are linking back to my .com site

I guess there is now something wrong with the setup of this software.

and the links that do have the right url (ie: http://localhost/wplocal/category/club/) go to an Object not found! page.

I guess this software needs a ".htaccess" because of mod_rewrite (you must enable mod_rewrite in httpd.conf). But some entries in your "htaccess" are only for a specific (your ISPs) server.

[quote]Could it be the Wordpress plugins or something causing the problem?[/quot]
A Wordpress support forum would be the better place for such questions. (I don't know anything about this software and it's configuration)

PostPosted: 23. October 2008 09:05
by Sho-Down
I guess this software needs a ".htaccess" because of mod_rewrite (you must enable mod_rewrite in httpd.conf). But some entries in your "htaccess" are only for a specific (your ISPs) server.

I think you're right. The wordpress site needs the .htaccess for permalinks, that's why my links aren't working.

I'm a total noob when it comes to this, how do I enable mod_rewrite in httpd.conf? What program does that?

PostPosted: 23. October 2008 09:23
by Wiedmann
how do I enable mod_rewrite in httpd.conf?

Remove the "#" sign from the line "LoadModule rewrite_module ...".