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File isn't uploaded to temp directory

PostPosted: 16. August 2008 05:34
by MissDemeanor
I'm trying to create an upload file script, but it never makes it to the upload directory. I verified that within apache/bin/php.ini, these lines exist:

After playing with it, it appears that the destination directory isn't writeable, and I'm not sure how to change that. The directory is not set to read only, but as it's windows, I don't know how to chmod on it.

Re: File isn't uploaded to temp directory

PostPosted: 17. August 2008 23:37
by glitzi85
MissDemeanor wrote:I verified that within apache/bin/php.ini, these lines exist:

What lines?

MissDemeanor wrote:After playing with it, it appears that the destination directory isn't writeable, and I'm not sure how to change that. The directory is not set to read only, but as it's windows, I don't know how to chmod on it.

Under Windows there is no chmod. You do not have to set any rights as all, unless you changed something.

Additional you should have a look on the open_basedir setting in your php.ini as the upload folder must be located inside this folder.
