How to serve up web pages?

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How to serve up web pages?

Postby sd669 » 04. November 2003 07:18


Well I just installed ApacheFriends (Mini) XAMPP Version 1.1 with ...
Apache/2.0.47 (Win32) PHP/4.3.3, and all seemed to go OK. I'm a newbie and surprised myself how easy it seemed to be! When I typed htt://localhost into my browser, everything was just there... wow.

My question:
(Part 1) - I know how to create html pages, but where do I put them (directory) to be "in" my new Apache web server?
(Part 2) - Once I get that figured out and I want to serve up pages to the www, how do I make my server accessible to others? I have a dynamic IP address.

If there is an easy to understand resource, feel free to point me in that direction.


Postby boppy » 04. November 2003 08:55

hi sd669,

The screened Pages are saved an /XAMPP/htdocs - All pages you put in there are accessable from the net.

The dynamic-IP-Problem can be fixed by using a free redirector-domain. I'm very satisfied with

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it worked

Postby sd669 » 04. November 2003 13:44

Thanks Bobby... it worked. I'll check out the link you provided to take care of the dynamic IP.

Really appreciate the help on this site... it's great!

other dynamic dns

Postby MAGnUm » 05. November 2003 14:10 - been useing their free option for almost a year with little to no problem
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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 05. November 2003 16:24


I've been using for more than 4 years now...
I was probably one of the first :)
And never actually had a problem with them...

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Postby pharaoh » 24. December 2003 07:03


Thats fine for a Dynamic Ip .....
What about a static one :?:

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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 24. December 2003 08:07

Hi, aöso SUpports Static DNS/IPs
Go and have a look :)

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so does

Postby MAGnUm » 26. December 2003 21:54

so does and
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Postby pharaoh » 27. December 2003 03:56

what if i dont want to use a third party and just do it do i do that? :)
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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 28. December 2003 00:49


There is no way you can do this...
Because a "normal" DNS Domain takes from 4 to 24 hrs and more to update your IP. By that time, you have already had a Disconnect.

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But you can

Postby MAGnUm » 28. December 2003 01:16

you can host your own DNS. all you need is to know somebody else who has a server that is always on and is willing to put your DNS record into their server. i came across a site a long time ago that allowed you to have a second party that would host your dns in exchange for you hosting theirs, that way the two servers you need to have will be available hopefully. no i do not do this since i have a dynamic IP. but yes it is possible if you leave your webserver on all the time and can find someone with a stitic IP that would be willing to do the same.
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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 28. December 2003 11:54

HI magnum,

this is only possible if!!! both have Static IPs.
As I said, all the DNS Server (NameServer) need up 24hrs and more to update the IP. If you don't believe me, start reading the man-Pages for Bind oder simular.

DynDNS Can change the Ips as fast, since has a static IP.
and all the others first ask at the Nameserver of since its a Subdomain. rehashes it's config file every 30 secs or so.

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Postby MAGnUm » 28. December 2003 18:40

Hello KriS,

yes you are right, but i was only trying to say that its possible. and you are still better off with a service like DYNDNS over hosting your own record.

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Postby etherxxx » 28. December 2003 23:06

I've just installed xamp and everything is running smoothly, only problem is, I don't want my computer to be turned on 24-7 and act as a server.

My college has given me some space on their server to host a web site, how can i upload the files to the server, and what files should i upload? should i upload the whole xamp directory?

thx in advance!!
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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 28. December 2003 23:11


if your Collge has given you some Webspace, all you need to upload is your site.

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