mod_auth_mysql - status (does md5 encryption work on WinXP)?

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mod_auth_mysql - status (does md5 encryption work on WinXP)?

Postby jjrohrer » 03. November 2003 23:33

Hi all,

The situation:
I'm trying to use phpBB2 ( as an authentication server for the rest of my website. phpBB2 used md5 to encrypt its passwords see I'm running windows XP Pro.

The approach:
I turned on mod_auth_mysql following the on screan instructions. I then modified mod_auth_mysql.conf to protect the directory called [root]/jj/restricted. I got some mod_auth_mysql syntax from here My mod_auth_mysql file now looks like this:
Code: Select all
   <Location /restricted>
       AuthName "MySQL Secured Place"
       AuthType Basic
        require valid-user
        AuthMySQLHost localhost
        AuthMySQLDB webauth
        AuthMySQLUser testuser
       AuthMySQLPassword authmysql
        AuthMySQLUserTable user_pwd
       AuthMySQLNameField name
        AuthMySQLPasswordField pass
        ## AuthMySQLGroupTable user_grp (here do not modify this for the simple test!)
        ## AuthMySQLGroupField group (here do not modify this for the simple test!)
       AuthMySQLCryptedPasswords Off

   <Location /jj/restricted>
       AuthName "phpBB users only"
       AuthType Basic
        require valid-user
        AuthMySQLHost localhost
        AuthMySQLDB site_2003_oct_30_2
        AuthMySQLUser testuser
       AuthMySQLPassword authmysql
        AuthMySQLUserTable phpbb_users
       AuthMySQLNameField username
        AuthMySQLPasswordField user_password
        ## AuthMySQLGroupTable user_grp (here do not modify this for the simple test!)
        ## AuthMySQLGroupField group (here do not modify this for the simple test!)
       AuthMySQLCryptedPasswords On
        AuthMySQLMD5Passwords On


The problem:
When I start apache, i get the following error:

Syntax error on line 33 of E:/xampp7/apache/conf/mod_auth_mysql.conf:
Invalid command 'AuthMySQLMD5Passwords', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

I don't think the command is misspelled. My question is: has anyone gotten password encryption to work? Has anyone specifically made mod_auth_mysql work on windows with encryption in general or md5 in particular? Perhaps I need md5 installed on my computer (but I wouldn't expect the above error).
Further thoughts 2003 Nov 11
Perhaps it needs access to the MD5 command line utility common on *nix systems. has such a utility for windows - Has anyone explored this (I haven't - so perhaps its obvious?).

Any suggestions?
Posts: 2
Joined: 03. November 2003 23:14

Postby Deker » 30. August 2008 16:53

I've same ploblem. I you know how to fix it, please post here.
Posts: 1
Joined: 30. August 2008 16:52

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