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Xampp VS Vista

PostPosted: 01. July 2008 06:42
by xampp2day
Xampp doesn't work on Vista. :x Why? Anytime, I put a php file in the htdocs it fails.

I followed this VID's steps:


PostPosted: 01. July 2008 08:28
by w4vy
where did you install xampp to ? If it was C:/Program Files/xampp or just C:/xampp then it is probably to do with the UAC on Vista. Try turning that off or what I have done is installed xampp onto a partition therefore bypassing the UAC.
Hope that helps you.


PostPosted: 01. July 2008 08:42
by xampp2day
It is C:\xampp

What could it be?

PostPosted: 01. July 2008 09:10
by w4vy
This is from the xampp website

"Vista Note: Because missing or insufficient write permissions in the c:\program files folder of the default vista installation, we recommend to use alternate folders for XAMPP e.g. c:\xampp or c:\myfolder\xampp."

I guess I was wrong with my last post about c:/xampp and it's ok to place the xampp folders and files there. What exactly happens when you try and start xampp ?

PostPosted: 01. July 2008 20:56
by xampp2day
Well here's what I got.

(Note: click "all sizes" icon for a closer view, if needed)


Do "Services" have anything to do with it?:


PostPosted: 01. July 2008 21:27
by icetee
Do "Services" have anything to do with it?:

I guess [NO]

At first: The "Status-check" doesn't work correctly under localhost.

Php must work because you can open the htdocs/xampp folder in your browser without problems.

>>>> What do you see if you enter the sites - what is the error ? Please give us closer information about your xampp-system! Where did you put your .php files ?!

When you put in htdocs-folder directly check your .htaccess first.

PostPosted: 02. July 2008 06:41
by xampp2day
I think I got it to work. This may sound weird, but I had to delete some of the index files that came with xampp to get it to work. On top of that, one typically converts a text file by right-clicking, selecting "rename," and adding the php extension. Well on Vista you got to add the php extension in Notepad's "save as" and have the "All Files" in the menu highlighted. It doesn't appear to work any other way.

This was a pain. Has anyone else experienced this in Vista?


PostPosted: 02. July 2008 09:59
by icetee
I guess [no]

But why do you need a Video-HowTo installing Xampp ?!
I had a look on it and just say he made such things you doesn't needed.

>> Download the latest stable-release of Xampp
>> Install it with PHP, MySQL and FTP as servive.
>> Go to htdocs-folder
>> create a new folder named "export"
>> open the index.php in yout htdocs-folder
>> search for /xampp/ and repleace it with /export/
>> put your .php Files to export
>> open your browser >>
>> make Statuscheck (when you sure apache & MySQL is running)
>> klick on "Security" >> Follow the steps
>> Start Hosting, testing whatever you want. THAT IT'S !

PostPosted: 03. July 2008 03:59
by dravekx
I had the same problem on the first install. Of course, when you do a fresh install of Vista Ultimate, its smart to enable the administrator account, delete the user account, and use th administrator account as your primary. After that, I installed XAMPP without disabling the UAC and it works perfect. 'localhost' doesnt work at all, you hafta login via The Youtube scenerio for installation tells you to delete the index.php and that it isnt needed... DONT DO IT! If you do, after a fresh install of xampp, you will get errors and the security window will be flaky. Best thing to do on Vista is stick to the basics, setup your security, then change your PHP.INI file to your needs afterwards.

If that doesnt work, try un-installing xampp completely, and re-installing. I dont know why, but sometimes the xampp install on vista misses a couple things. :( Sorry that I can not be more specific on the error.

PostPosted: 03. July 2008 04:22
by Milligan

PostPosted: 05. July 2008 22:51
by newbie_here
hi there! i hope you can help me too. i have been following your discussions. First, where can i find the htdocs-folder? The only folders I can see in my XAMPP folder are debug and release. Second, my main problem is my taskbar indicates that I have installed wamp5 properly but whenever i open localhost all i get is a blank page. I don't know how to use XAMPP with wamp5. Will they get along well? Whew! I feel lost already. Please help me out. Thanks a lot

PostPosted: 06. July 2008 07:54
by dravekx
newbie_here wrote:First, where can i find the htdocs-folder?

If you installed XAMPP to the default directory, the HTDOCS folder is located in C:\XAMPP\HTDOCS.

newbie_here wrote: The only folders I can see in my XAMPP folder are debug and release.
What version did you install? Where did you install it? Vista, XP, or Linux?

newbie_here wrote: Second, my main problem is my taskbar indicates that I have installed wamp5 properly but whenever i open localhost all i get is a blank page. I don't know how to use XAMPP with wamp5. Will they get along well? Whew! I feel lost already. Please help me out. Thanks a lot
Read up about localhost and check to make sure your php.ini is configured correctly. As for the other... Why would you want to use WAMP5 and XAMPP? They do exactly the same thing.

PostPosted: 06. July 2008 11:07
by Nobbie
newbie_here wrote:The only folders I can see in my XAMPP folder are debug and release.

Looks like that you did not install Xampp, but instead the Development Package of Xampp. You downloaded the wrong package.