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Strange Issues

PostPosted: 26. June 2008 06:16
by Carbide20
For some reason, every time I install the english version of xampp, or even xampp lite, I always see a page that says "Xampp Furfor Windows"

I have tried different folders, different drives, and using the automated installer and manually installing it. On my other computers it installs and brings up splash.php asking me for a language.

it is only this one computer that always has that title in German (I think its german, may be wrong) and never asks me for a language. I tried typing in the path to splash.php and it shows the Xampp logo but no languages below it like on other computers. I checked my language file and the contents of it is "en"

This wouldnt be a problem, but there are other issues I always have on this one computer also. Like the security page instead of going to security, it takes me to a security page with no links on the left, and only one security listing which is that the site can be seen from outside.

Another problem is phpmyadmin. Any time I try to run this on that computer, I get:

"phpMyAdmin - Error

Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly."

There are so many strange things like this on this one computer. I know exactly what the xampp control panel should look like, and it always seem like things are broken/missing on this comp. I did everything to uninstall old versions. I used the uninstallers. deleted the folders, checked for appdata, etc. each time I reinstall it I make sure nothing is left from an old install, and I have installed it every way possible in many different places.


PostPosted: 26. June 2008 06:24
by Carbide20
Here is my main Xampp page:

And here is my security page lacking lots of info!


And here is my splash.php page with no languages listed!

PostPosted: 26. June 2008 14:52
by Carbide20
Alright, this is really wierd!
I just installed xampp lite on another computer. Chose EN as the language. Set up a password to get in. Then I copied my xampp folder to C:\xampp on the computer that is acting wierd. It copied and started fine, and I typed in localhost. It asked me for the username and password, so I assumed it was working, but I got the same thing! Xampp Furfor Windows etc. with lots of stuff missing on all the pages. Is it reading some config off the system that I am unaware of?

PostPosted: 26. June 2008 14:54
by Carbide20
Oh, and the title (In the titlebar) of the main xampp page on that strange commputer is "<?include('.version';?>" Instead of the actual version like it shows on my working computer. Very wierd. Hope that helps figure out my problem lol!

PostPosted: 26. June 2008 16:27
by Nobbie
What do you enter into the browsers URL field in order to display Xampp?

PostPosted: 26. June 2008 20:00
by Carbide20
I type in 'localhost'

which brings up 'http://localhost/xampp'
which is the same thing I can type on my other computer when it works fine.

Re: Strange Issues

PostPosted: 15. December 2008 19:55
by yitwail
i know this is an old thread, but i only installed xampp yesterday & had the same problem. make sure your php.ini file has the line

short_open_tag = On

in mine it was set to Off.
you can find the php.ini that's loaded by clicking phpinfo() in the side navigation bar from the xampp start page, then look for Loaded Configuration File

an aside here, if is not where you'd expect it to be, like C:\xampp\php, check the Path and PHPRC environment variable with Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables. one of these tells Apache where php is installed.

Re: Strange Issues

PostPosted: 16. January 2009 05:04
by Summitt Dweller
Turn OFF UAC before you install. Simply changing the installation folder didn't do any good in my case. I had exactly the same behavior and problem on my Vista Home Premium notebook but had no such problems on my Vista Ultimate desktop where UAC had already been turned off.

I even tried uninstalling PHP prior to installation after two failed attempts and that also failed. Next tried to install XAMPP on my Vista Ultimate system with no problems. Finally came back to the notebook and took the step of turning UAC off and all is well with my installation now.

Hope this helps.