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PostPosted: 14. June 2008 08:06
by dravekx
I installed XAMPP 1.6.6a on my laptop which contains Vista Ultimate SP1. I disabled UAC as noted from the installation. I installed Apache & MySQL as Services. They are both running at the moment, but when I try to access localhost from IE or FF, I get a blank screen.

Any ideas?

PostPosted: 14. June 2008 08:08
by dravekx
okay... one issue down. Instead of typing "localhost", I typed "" and it came right up.

PostPosted: 14. June 2008 11:15
by sari42
the culprit is the line

::1 localhost

in the "hosts" file - just remove it or change to localhost

PostPosted: 15. June 2008 05:10
by dravekx
Now the fun begins... I setup a DYNDNS account and installed the updater. Xampp is working perfect. So now, what services in vista need to be running to get apache working like a home server?

I went to the firewall settings and I have no option to open ports. The only thing available is selection of LAN and WAN.

Any ideas on this or is this directly related to the fact that Im on a laptop with a random wireless connection and connected to a network that isnt mine? lol.

( The reason for this is the idea of having a temporary mobile server. )