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Securing XAMPP

PostPosted: 14. June 2008 01:52
by brduran
In XAMPP index page I click on Security and it tells me that XAMPP pages are accessible by network for everyone, and that to fix it simply use

=> http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php <= [allowed only for localhost]

But it doesn't say how. How?

Thank you.

PostPosted: 23. June 2008 14:22
by LooseCannon
Click on the link and get taken to the "Security console MySQL & XAMPP directory protection" page. Use the "XAMPP DIRECTORY PROTECTION (.htaccess)" section. This helps you set .htaccess users and their passwords for the xampp directories.

Search this forum for and refer to about htaccess.

PostPosted: 26. June 2008 01:17
by brduran
But of course, the easy ones bite you in the a..

Instead of clicking on the link I went and opened the file itself, didn't get far.

Got it now, thanks.