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Problem with Xampp, Mercury, PHP

PostPosted: 16. May 2008 05:45
by jcafaro10
I'm developing a simple website and I want to have a php script that sends an email. I set it up and everything and used the correct code, however when I try and preview the page its just blank. This is a weird behavior because if I disable the mercury service in xampp it loads the page fine but of course, sends no email. Having the mercury service enabled just makes the page blank. I've not messed with any of mercury settings and I'm using firefox.

PostPosted: 16. May 2008 08:35
by ifokkema
Any errors in the error log? Is there a timeout or just a blank page immediately and done loading? Do you print output on the screen before you try to send mail? If so, does that show?

PostPosted: 16. May 2008 17:05
by jcafaro10
If by log file you mean the contents of this "C:\Program Files\xampp\MercuryMail\LOGS" there are no log files in there.

My code looks like this
Code: Select all
       if(mail("","Email from " . $_POST['email'],$_POST['question']))
           echo "Bingo";
        else echo "No Go";

Nothing shows up anywhere

But even if I take out all of the PHP all together I still get the same effect so I think it has to do with Mercury itself

PostPosted: 17. May 2008 17:00
by jcafaro10
This is a problem that I can't even preview ANY websites so long as mercury is running. Please help

PostPosted: 17. May 2008 17:16
by jcafaro10

PostPosted: 19. May 2008 08:43
by ifokkema
Now it would be nice to explain how you solved it, so that people who run into the same problem can learn from you ;)

PostPosted: 24. May 2008 10:16
by gr8mate
Yeh, like me!
I also have the same problem :? How did you fix it?

PostPosted: 24. May 2008 14:01
by gr8mate
Digging a bit further I found that this question was already addressed in the forum and a simple solution given. Anyone else with this problem should see:


PostPosted: 28. May 2008 16:39
by admindell
thanks this help alot!