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Port 80 is available, but still 'unable to listen'

PostPosted: 23. January 2008 23:09
by markusn00b
Since my last post i still havent gotten xampp working. INCREDIBLY frustrating as i need xampp to program with...

I know port 80 is free, because i have checked using netstat -ano ; nothing is using port 80 from there.

the error: "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. : make_sock: unable to listen for connections on address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs"

Also, i checked using TcpView - a program that shows all connections - all to no avail.

Running on vista.

Any ideas?

PostPosted: 23. January 2008 23:26
by Scory
Trash Vista!

PostPosted: 24. January 2008 00:41
by markusn00b
Scory wrote:Trash Vista!

I'm physically repulsed by vista now...

It's just... crap.