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Where to config language display date

PostPosted: 15. October 2007 18:04
by Xulamp
I have a problem.
When retrieving date from the server it's coming in english. How to change to other language???

PostPosted: 15. October 2007 21:58
by Wiedmann
Maybe the Website you access ist not translated to another language?

Tks but..

PostPosted: 18. October 2007 21:13
by Xulamp
Wiedmann wrote:Maybe the Website you access ist not translated to another language?

Tks for the response Wiedmann but its the site is on my pc. I know that I have to change something in my apaches or mysql configuration but I do not know what. If I change I know that I will retrieve the date in my language not in english.



PostPosted: 18. October 2007 21:55
by Wiedmann
but its the site is on my pc

So you are talking about a script/HTML page made by you?

If I change I know that I will retrieve the date in my language not in english.

If you change what? And from where you retrieve the date? With which script language, and which code?

Joomla installation..

PostPosted: 23. October 2007 18:09
by Xulamp
Tks Wiedmann for your friendly support. Sorry for not making myself clearly enough.
I installed joomla locally and I added this code:
<div id="date"><?php echo mosCurrentDate(); ?></div>
This will retrieve date from my xampp install.
The date is coming in english. how to change to porguese?


PostPosted: 23. October 2007 18:39
by Wiedmann
I installed joomla locally and I added this code:
<div id="date"><?php echo mosCurrentDate(); ?></div>

Well, I don't know what this funktion exactly do... But after a quick Google search I found, that there is a global config option for the locale in Mambo.

Maybe it can be also help to set the date.timezone option in "php.ini", if you are using PHP5.1.x

IMHO you shold better ask this question in a Mambo forum.

thank you

PostPosted: 25. October 2007 18:10
by Xulamp