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Noob needs help and direction...alot...please

PostPosted: 17. September 2007 18:39
by 238drac
I have limited knowledge in computing and none at all in Web servers.
In fact I am not even sure if this is where I need to be.

But here is what I want to do:
I want to be able to use a url that will pop up a msgbox and ask for a password.
Then taking that work and comparing it to a list 8-10 passwords, perform a custom action.

Kind of like this:
Get password and compare to list and if:
1] Bad password. Close the connection.
2] Good password…
a] password # 1 initiate download of program stored at location [ path here: c:\program 1 ]
b] password # 2 initiate download of program stored at location [ path here c:\program 2]
c] password # 3 initiate download of program stored at location [ path here c:\program 3]
d] password # 4 open designated url

And so on.

So can anyone tell me if the use of a web server is the correct way to do this?

If so what do I need?

And would anyone be willing to teach me how to do this?
