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Newbie-setting folder / file permissions?

PostPosted: 20. August 2007 21:17
by 222fbj
When I try to edit some html/css pages they are set to Read Only. Changeing the Windows (XP pro) attribute does not fix this. I assume htis needs to be done thru an xamp tool?
Hos do I change file/folder rights (in D:\xampplite\htdocs )
More info...... and apologies in advance if I'm doing something stoopid. :oops:

Dir listing of xampp lite install

Screen showing index.htm (in htdocs) is readonly-notice status bar in NoteTab.

Properties of the file I'm trying to edit

Thanks for the help - you guys respond faster than any forum I've been to !

PostPosted: 20. August 2007 21:39
by Wiedmann
When I try to edit some html/css pages they are set to Read Only

Can you explain this more detailed?

PostPosted: 20. August 2007 21:44
by jimbean69
think he means this...

<Directory "H:/workspace">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

....No Idea.... he mean this?