Help for a Newbie - Installed Mini XAMPP won't work!

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Postby Oswald » 12. October 2003 10:46

Ahh.. Thanks for that hint!
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I started it, but can't add anything new

Postby shawbapmp » 12. October 2003 14:39

Hi Kris,

I originated the thread about IE not working with my installed MINIXAMPP. After Oswald got me to load Mozilla, I was able to do my PHP testing, so my problem was essentially solved.

But you are right. The purpose of the forum is to share dialogue. I still don't know why IE didn't cooperate. If I find the solution, I'll post it back here.

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Anything yet?

Postby mkormendy » 30. January 2004 18:21

I may be having a similar problem, any progress on this nonetheless?
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