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Sendmail()... or not!

PostPosted: 27. June 2007 17:00
by johnd

I was previously using apache2triad which included php,mysql,xmail

This was installed on win xp with no major problems until recently for reasons unknown it messed up.

I was recommended xampp as an alternative which i must say is alot better then the previous mentioned package :D

However!,... i am experiencing problems with sendmail().
no mail is being sent and i get the following error:

Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in blah blah blah....

my php.ini settings are

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from =

i have set the sendmail_from to my main email address

i guess, as its installed on windows, i do not need to set sendmail_path
although i have tried this and tested it but get the same results.

im guessing that i do not need to have Mercury Mail running in order to use send mail as when using apache2triad i didnt need xmail running

if anyone can help with this i would be most orgasmic lol


PostPosted: 27. June 2007 17:31
by Wiedmann
i am experiencing problems with sendmail().

Is sendmail() your own function or part of a class? (it's not a PHP internal function)

PostPosted: 27. June 2007 18:12
by johnd
the problem is with php sendmail - no messages being sent

as i have said above i get those errors

PostPosted: 27. June 2007 18:15
by johnd
For example!:-

i have a contact php form script and when i test it and click send
i get the errors above and the mail is not sent

Here is a demo script

PostPosted: 27. June 2007 18:21
by Wiedmann
Here is a demo script

There is a HTML form. Without the script source code this is useless...

the problem is with php sendmail

Once more:
You are talking about the PHP function mail(), and not about another function with the name sendmail()?

PostPosted: 27. June 2007 18:29
by johnd
yes m8 php mail

its not the script thats the problem its the configuration

no scripts are working that use the php mail function

looking at the error log for sendmail.exe i have this

Code: Select all

07/06/27 18:41:38 : Socket Error # 10061<EOL>Connection refused.

mean anthing?

PostPosted: 27. June 2007 19:01
by Wiedmann
looking at the error log for sendmail.exe i have this

At the moment you don't use "sendmail.exe". Your PHP is configured to use a local mailserver like Mercury.

(Have you searched the forum about this topic?)

PostPosted: 27. June 2007 19:04
by johnd
this is very confusing

At the moment you don't use "sendmail.exe". Your PHP is configured to use a local mailserver like Mercury.

well at the mo php is not configured to anything - apart from localhost

so do i have to have mercury running ?

PostPosted: 28. June 2007 00:55
by johnd
anyone lol ??

Another Post

PostPosted: 28. June 2007 01:29
by Snoopy.pa30

Here is a discussion that might help you out.

PostPosted: 28. June 2007 02:56
by johnd
hi snoop

cheers for the link - ill have a look

To be honest im getting fed up now.. i was kind of expecting this to be "install and go" ... obviously that too much to ask

Im not into all this server stuff i just want it up & bloody running lol

PostPosted: 28. June 2007 03:11
by johnd
hi snoop

i read the posts you hooked me up with.

Very interesting it was but does not answer my question.

I totally do not understand how the mail() function works, although your post helped a little specially as im using win XP so this made me realize that sendmail is a unix prog not windows.

I was using Apache2triad which had no prbs with sending mail it just failed on other things lol

What is really frustrating is that there are loads of packages like this out there but not 1 of them works 100% there is always something that does not work

Now me, like i said, i know shit about servers so when i try something like this i expect it to work 100% or whats the point!

i might as well go to apache install there server, go to install php and hope for the best lol

as you can tell by my post im not happy - i've wasted 2 days now and lost loads of money through my site being down which is not anyones fault but still