Completely Lost

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Completely Lost

Postby Guest » 21. September 2003 20:18

:oops: I desperately need help. well i have read the users guide and all that. but the problem is my ISP server provider does not support for PHP. and i want to know if i will still be able to use PHP with the XAMPP. other words i do i still need to have a ISP provider that supports PHP.

Pleas if anyone can help me with this i will be very greatful.

Thanks :P .

Does your ISP use a Windows Environment- IIS?

Postby chanio » 03. October 2003 06:48

Sorry if I have misunderstood you. But, is your ISP working on a Windows machine or MS DOS?
If it is working with a LINUX or UNIX machine, then you shouldn't try to install a Windows program in it.
Besides, doesn't it have an Apache running?
How many disk space have you got in that machine?
If you are newer than me, you must understand this first:
Your ISP has another machine, not your PC.
It also has one or more servers running. Like this XAMPP that you want to install. Their machine, might be running in another Operating System (different command line commands, for example)
If you want to install all these files and run them in your ISP's space. You should talk directly with your webmaster. Explain him that you are learning PHP and that you need to install it. Might be that you don't need to install all this great distribution that is installed practically running.
Might be that your webmaster installs PHP by himself (he knows how).
Besides, if you are doing an effort in learning a good programming language that might allow you to put nice things in your server. You should buy a Perl book from Larry Wall and learn the best language.
Or try learning it here:
It deserves all your efforts, believe me! And later, thank me :lol:
Hope it helps!
Gallactic Firewall
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