convert 3gp, avi, mov, wmv, etc to flv in servery by PHP

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convert 3gp, avi, mov, wmv, etc to flv in servery by PHP

Postby teres » 05. January 2007 09:17

Dear all,

I'm working on a project with my own server (xampp 1.54a with apache, php and mysql. Safe mode has been turned on. To do the task as in subject, I search some examples from web to see people how to do it. The simplest method seem to execute external program like ffmpeg in PHP. I've added the path of ffmpeg.exe in the php.ini already:

safe_mode_exec_dir ="C:\Program Files\ffmpeg\;"

However, it still not works. If I disabled the safe mode. It works. Do I need to add more directory in the safe_mode_exec_dir?

Beside using external program ffmpeg.exe, is there any other better way?

Thanks in advanced!

Best regards,
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Joined: 04. January 2007 09:43

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