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Problem with eAccelerator (encoder.php)

PostPosted: 08. December 2006 14:15
by andersknud
I'm having problems with encoding some php scripts. The problem occurs whenever I have string concatenation. Could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

// This code fails when I try to encode it
$id = 3;
$q = "SELECT something FROM table WHERE id = ".$id;

ERROR: Can't compile file "C:\\Program Files\\xampp\\htdocs\\hh/enctest.php"

// This code encodes without problems
$q = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 3";

Encoding: "C:\\Program Files\\xampp\\htdocs\\hh/enc.php" -> "C:\\Program Files\\xampp\\htdocs\\hhenc/enctest.php"

XAMPP: 1.5.5
eAccelerator: 0.9.5
PHP: 5.2.0

PostPosted: 17. January 2007 12:05
by m.f00

php 5.2.0 with 0.9.5 is buggy -> you need 9.6... dunno where you can get a binary for it... i just downgraded my php =)