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I installed xammpp but mysql didn't start Please help

PostPosted: 30. November 2006 06:42
by Scottty
Hello all

I have been having an ongoing problem with MySQL. I had originally installed it from the MySQL website and actually had it working along with Apache and PHP 5.0

However one day I just could not get my MySQL started. I tried everything to try and get it going however I was unsuccessfull but then someone referred me to XAMPP.

So I have no downloaded XAMPP and Apache is up and running and File Zilla is running. I was unable to get MySQL running.

I have deleted before install all previous versions of MySQL,Apache, and PHP

When I tried to telnet localhost 3306 with my previous install of Mysql I got this error

Could not open a connection to host port 3306 Connect failed.

Can you please help me figure out why MysqL won't work on my system anymore.

PostPosted: 30. November 2006 07:45
by Izzy
Close all XAMPP services and exit the control panel and run:

All ports should be Free
Paste here the results if they are not free.

Also check any firewalls you might have running that port 3306 is open for mysql.

There is a chance that your original MySQL service is still running and that it has not been cleared from the registry when you uninstalled it.

PostPosted: 30. November 2006 08:21
by Scottty
Hi thanks for the quick reply

I just ran a port check and all ports came back as free.


Service Port Status
Apache (HTTP) 80 free
Apache (WebDAV) 81 free
Apache (HTTPS) 443 free

MySQL 3306 free

FileZilla (FTP) 21 free
FileZilla (Admin) 14147 free

Mercury (SMTP) 25 free
Mercury (POP3) 110 free
Mercury (IMAP) 143 free

I tried starting mysql again and got this

Error Mysql service not started [-1]

I disabled Zone alarm so that's not affecting ports.

Where should I go from here


PostPosted: 30. November 2006 08:44
by Izzy
Ok we will try now and see if clearing the mysql services from the registry will fix your issue.

Again make sure all XAMPP services are stopped and you have exited the Xampp Control Panel.

Now open a command console window - Click on Start/Run.../
Type cmd.exe
Click OK
At the prompt type:
sc delete mysql
Click on Enter.

sc stands for service control and it is a MS file for doing just what we have to do. It will get rid of any residual mysql services in the registry safely.

Now try again to start MySQL.

You can try and start it using the bat file xampp\mysql_start.bat as it will give you back any error messages that are preventing mysql from starting.

If you don't get any error messages then closing the console window after will close mysql again so you can start it using the XAMPP Control Panel if that is your choice.

Just to add, you may have a file called my.ini in your WINDOWS directory that your XAMPP MySQL is trying to use that is not pointing to the XAMPP MySQL directory.
Open it in your text editor and check that it is not for your old installation. It will have the XAMPP locations in the paths within the file if it was created by XAMPP.

If not then rename the file to my_old.ini and try and start the XAMPP MySQL again.

PostPosted: 30. November 2006 16:42
by Scottty

I tried the first step. I'm in the command prompt and I tried
sc delete mysql

and I got the message
C:\>sc delete mysq
'sc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Should this come with my Windows 2000 installation?

I also searched my whole hard drive and no my.ini was found.

When I tried running from the batch file this is what I got in command prompt.

Please dont close Window while MySQL is running
MySQL is trying to start
Please wait ...
MySQL is starting with mysql\bin\my.cnf (console)
061130 11:19:43 [Note] mysql\bin\mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.0.27-community' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Edition (GP


PostPosted: 30. November 2006 23:39
by Izzy
No, sc.exe is not included in W2k, it is included in the Resource Kit or you can download it from here:

In XP it resides in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory.

More info on the W2k Resource Kit can be found here: ... eskit2000/

When you load MySQL from the bat file and with the console window still open right click on the Taskbar and select Task Manager. Select the Processes tab and look for mysqld.exe or mysql-nt.exe.
If it is there then MySQL has loaded and you should now try and connect to phpMyAdmin from the Welcome page at http://localhost/xampp/ using the root user.

You must also check the xampp\phpmyadmin\ file and change this line:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)

to this:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)

Also there is a section in the xampp\readme-en.txt file that might be worth reading.

PostPosted: 01. December 2006 02:54
by Scottty

Thanks for all your help, I appreciate it
I am at work right now but will be home in a couple of hours and I will give it a try.

What I'm also thinkin of doing if I can't get it to work in Windows.
I may change my main O/S to Ubuntu Linux and try the linux version of xampp. I can always run windows in a virtual machine if I need it.

What do you think?
