PHP and Ldap - cont

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

PHP and Ldap - cont

Postby briangcc » 21. November 2006 14:27

Ok so I got PHP and LDAP talking to a MS Active Directory. I'm now trying to build an authentication piece and I'm hanging up on the LDAP_search function. Here's the code:

if (!$ldapserver) {
echo "Unable to connect to LDAP Server";
if (!$bind) {
echo "Unable to bind to LDAP Server";
$filter="cn=" . $username;
echo "Filter: $filter";

The error code popping up is:

Warning: ldap_search() [function.ldap-search]: Search: Operations error in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\logged.php on line 25

I did try putting in the credentials of an active AD user to get around the anonymous AD Bind issues but I end up with the same error message. So where did I go wrong with this?

**If I trim out the $inforequired entry in the $result line I still end up with the same error.
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Joined: 14. November 2006 19:26

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