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How to configure mercury ???

PostPosted: 14. September 2006 04:09
by LEX200
my smtp don't work :(
how to configure
I don't know how :( help me please

Re: How to configure mercury ???

PostPosted: 14. September 2006 12:11
by ulises
LEX200 wrote:my smtp don't work :(
how to configure
I don't know how :( help me please

Hello first that you must do it is to verify the protocol that uses the Mail servants are 110 pop3, 25 smtp, 145 imap, soon are port safe for mail servant which I do not go to speak.
You must open these ports for good operation of the mail servant
Necessary the smtp, pop3, therefore verifies if these ports 110.25 are open as much in your router as if you have firewall by software like which it comes integrated in Windows xp.
Pásate by some page of scanner of ports and verifies that these ports are open in router like firewall (important east step).
One made the previous thing you must know as it is your IP publishes your private IP and your DNS
Or supplier of connection to Internet that provides to you
Another one is if single it interests like service to send mail to you in your network with the users of the network who you will have to put the servant Mercury your private IP.
When you know these then data we can begin…
MercuryMail to go to the route of xampp/MercuryMail/mercury.exe
Once it doubles click here executed the administrator of MercuryMail.

Single I activated this in MercuryMail
[General] or [] between parenthesis
Depending on your necessities then you will put your dominion or your private network here
Since there is difference between one and another one when it is your dominion you will be able to command outside as much of your network as towards Internet I have vice versa.
In case that single your necessities are single to give service to your single network you must put your IP deprived of the CPU in as this the mercurymail.

Activating the necessary protocols

Debug: 1
Logfile: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ Logs \ MERCURYS.LOG
Size: 5000
Timeout: 30
Relay: 0
Strict_Relay: 1
Allow_Illegals: 0
SMTP_Authentication: 1
Auth_File: tuauth
Killfile: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ MERCURYS.KFL
Session_logging: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ Logs
Session_logmode: 0
Compliance_Settings: 416
Maximum_Failed_Rcpts: 4
Max_Relay_Attempts: 4
SSL_Mode: 0
SSL_Certfile: X \ xxx \ pp \ MercuryMail \ xxx.crt
ST_Blacklisting: 288
No_VRFY: 1
Compliance_Exceptions: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ EXCEPTIONS.TXT

Scratch: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ Mercury
Logfile: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ Logs \ MERCPOP~Y~W.LOG
Stack: 32768
Mark_Read: 1
POPAlias_File: alias
SSL_Mode: 0
SSL_Certfile: X:\ xxx \ pp \ MercuryMail \ xxxx.crt
Login_Disabled: 0
Timeout: 60

Session_logging: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ Logs
Session_logmode: 0
Poll: 15
Timeout: 60
Nameservers: here your DNS if you want to send email towards outside your network.
Logfile: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ Logs \ SMTPC~Y~M.LOG
Log_Verbose: 0
DNS_Timeout: 20
DNS_Retries: 4
Transcripts: 0
MaxThreads: 10

Scratch: X \ xxx \ pp \ MERCURYMAIL \ Mercury
Timeout: 30
Poll: 30

hostname: hostname
hostname: []

This is my configuration thinks about elaborating a good configuration I advise to you that you do not put ALLOW RELAY= 1 since they do Spamming to you
For but better security is to have it like I ALLOW RELAY=0
Good I hope that this helps you.

PostPosted: 14. September 2006 18:15
by ckarnuth
I am trying to set up mercury mail, and have had no luck. It is going on a centralized server, inside of a domain. I only need mercury to send inner office mail, however can not seem to get the configuration right. Can anyone help. I read ulises post, and it was not helpfull. Any other help would be greatly appreciated.

PostPosted: 20. September 2006 07:05
by Joe16
Ok, this is insane. First of all, I may say some things in this post that people may take offensively, but please don't, I don't mean any disrespect..but the support here really does blow. Many people are having trouble with MercuryMail, including me. Everytime someone opens a topic on here about the mail server, the staff flip out complaining that there already topics open about this. Well you know what, I've searched, I've read, including the docs, and I still haven't been able to configure it correctly. We have people here in the wrong section of the site trying to give support by using translators...ulises, english please, I didn't understand a word you said. I understand you're trying to help, and I'm not trying to be mean or rude, but I cannot understand any other type of language other than english. I don't possibly know what else to do here, I need this configured. I've been seeking assistance with the mail server for 2 weeks now, and cannot get a answer. I downloaded this software because I was recommended to use it from a friend, as I heard the support is also great as well. Well, the support sucks, I'm sorry to say. I'm not threatening anyone, but if I don't get some support with MercuryMail, I'm going to discontinue my use with this software, and tell everyone I know never to use XAMPP. So, can someone *PLEASE* help me configure Mercury? Thank you.

PostPosted: 21. September 2006 08:49
by WorldDrknss
Open up MercuryMail and click on configuration and then go to Protocal Modules here we will only check the protocals that we need. The following should only be check:
-MercuryS SMTP Server
-MercuryP POP3 Server
-MercuryC SMTP relaying client
-MercuryD distributing POP3 client
-MecuryI IMAP4rev1 Server
Restart MercuryMail
Once back in mercurymail click on configuration and then go to MercuryC SMTP client and fill in the following information.
Smart host name: <-your isp smtp server should go here, if you do not know it you can use the services from
Username: isp username or other mail service username
Password: isp password or other mail service password
then click on save once you have those fields conpleted.
Click on configuration and go to Mercury core module and click on the Local domains tab, then click on add new domain, then add your domain to both the boxes and click on. Next we will add which users will have an email account on your server and to do this click on configuration then go to Manage local users here you can edit, delete, or add users.