(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost' Password

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(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost' Password

Postby DavidMD » 29. January 2003 04:44

Greetings, everyone!

I have set up WAMPP and I am very grateful to the ApacheFriends

I set the 'root' password, instead of leaving it blank, but
when I view 'localhost' via Internet Explorer, I get a
password error for 'root@localhost' if I click on the link
in for "PHPMYAdmin." :(

The only way I can avoid this error is by removing the 'root'
password, which I did.

Is there a way that I can assign a password to 'root' but
still get the "PHPMYADMIN - A friendly Frontend for MySQL"
screen, and not the error message? :?:

Thank you very much, in advance! ('Vielen Dank'!) :)


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(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost'

Postby DavidMD » 29. January 2003 05:02

Greetings again, everyone!

I forgot to mention anything about my setup! :oops:

I am running WAMPP under Windows XP Professional
(SP1) with MS Internet Explorer 6.0 and version 0.25c

Also, when I do access, via 'local' the PHPMyAdmin
page, because I have no 'root' password, I have the
following text in red:

> Your configuration file contains settings (root with
> no password) that correspond to the default MySQL
> privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with
> this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should
> fix this security hole.

I definitely want to fix this security hole, but I also want to
be able to access PHPMyAdmin via my Web browser.

Are the two options exclusive? Can I not have access to
PHPMyAdmin if 'root' has a password? :?:

Thank you for your time, patience, and help!


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Postby boppy » 29. January 2003 09:03

Perhaps you can avoid this problem by checking the configuation of the users. You got 2 different roots - one for "localhost" and one for host named "%" (the SQL % is a joker like * in windows) - if you now change the password for User root on host %, you didn't change the password for root user via localhost.
If you are accessing from localhost you have got to change the pasword for root@localhost. But if you are accessing via IP (192.168.0.* oder internet-IP) you've got to change the passwort for root@%

I hope you unterstand my bad english...
...in diesem Sinne
yours boppy

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Postby Oswald » 29. January 2003 09:15

Dear David!

Of course you can set a password for your MySQL database and be also able to use phpMyAdmin. In any other case phpMyAdmin would be nonsens. But it isn't... ;)

Find your phpMyAdmin configuration file: it is called config.inc.php and should reside in the phpmyadmin directory.

Not far from the beginning of this file you find the following configuration line:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';

Change the config into cookie:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';

And now access phpMyAdmin by your favourite web browser. phpMyAdmin should now ask you about your MySQL root account and password. That's all. ;)

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(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost'

Postby Guest » 29. January 2003 19:49

Hello, Oswald and 'boppy'!

Thank you both for your messages!

Oswald, I followed your instructions and Internet Explorer did indeed give me a login screen. (Before following your instructions, I ran the 'winmysqladmin' command to change the 'root' password, which I then entered in the configuration file.)

I click on 'PHPMYADMIN', Oswald, and enter my user name and password. I press the "Login" button, but nothing happens. I am assuming, Oswald, that something is supposed to happen after I log in. :)

I have cookies enable and my "Local intranet" settings at the default, to ensure that the browser would accept the cookie.

Can you think of anything else that I am doing wrong, Oswald?

Incidentally, I am running Apache and MySQL as services on Windows XP Professional. (I do not know if this fact is relevant or not.)

'Vielen Dank', Oswald!



(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost'

Postby DavidMD » 29. January 2003 19:52

Hello, Oswald and 'boppy'!

Thank you both for your messages!

Oswald, I followed your instructions and Internet Explorer did indeed give me a login screen. (Before following your instructions, I ran the 'winmysqladmin' command to change the 'root' password, which I then entered in the configuration file.)

I click on 'PHPMYADMIN', Oswald, and enter my user name and password. I press the "Login" button, but nothing happens. I am assuming, Oswald, that something is supposed to happen after I log in. :)

I have cookies enable and my "Local intranet" settings at the default, to ensure that the browser would accept the cookie.

Can you think of anything else that I am doing wrong, Oswald?

Incidentally, I am running Apache and MySQL as services on Windows XP Professional. (I do not know if this fact is relevant or not.)

'Vielen Dank', Oswald!



P.S. -- I apologize for the duplicate posting. My German is a bit "rusty"! (I studied it in college twenty years ago! :)
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Postby Oswald » 29. January 2003 20:05

Shalom David!

> which I then entered in the configuration file.)

You don't have to enter the root password in the configuration file. Only change the 'config' into 'cookie'.

> I click on 'PHPMYADMIN', Oswald, and enter my user name and password.

The user name you entered was 'root', right?

> hat something is supposed to happen after I log in. :)

You supposed absolutely right! ;)

Actually it should work the way you did. At the moment I've no Windows machine accessable (I'm at the office) but in one or two hours I'm at home and will check this step by step.

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Postby DavidMD » 30. January 2003 01:54

Greetings, Oswald!

I did indeed use 'root' as my user name.

Also, after changing the 'root' password from the command line, I changed it in the configuration file, because the installation instructions state that one should do so.

I wonder if I should not have followed the instructions in that regard? :shock:

I appreciate your taking your valuable time at home, Oswald, to take a look at this situation.

Thank you, again!



P.S. -- I am not Jewish, but Elie Wiesel is one of my favorite thinkers and writers. Your 'Shalom', however, Oswald is much appreciated, because of its literal meaning in Hebrew ("May peace be with you"). :)


Kai Seidler wrote:Shalom David!

> which I then entered in the configuration file.)

You don't have to enter the root password in the configuration file. Only change the 'config' into 'cookie'.

> I click on 'PHPMYADMIN', Oswald, and enter my user name and password.

The user name you entered was 'root', right?

> that something is supposed to happen after I log in. :)

You supposed absolutely right! ;)

Actually it should work the way you did. At the moment I've no Windows machine accessable (I'm at the office) but in one or two hours I'm at home and will check this step by step.

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Postby Oswald » 30. January 2003 11:58

Dear David!!

Putting the root password into the phpmyadmin configurations file depends on what you want:

1.) If you want easy access with phpmyadmin you will set 'auth_type' to 'config' and insert also the root password. You now can access without any manual authentication. You and everybody else. :?

2.) A better way is to set 'auth_type' to 'cookie' and not insert the root password into the phpmyadmin configuration file. phpmyadmin will now ask you about the password.

Ok, that's the theroretical background. ;)

In your case it should work the way you configured your system. Last night I did the same configuration to my system. And: it worked. ;) But only at the first sight. :(

The problem is: with Internet Explorer it doesn't work but with my favourite browser Phoenix (a Mozilla based browser) it worked perfectly. If I use IE I saw the login form but after entering user name and passwort and pressing the login-button I got back to an empty login form and not to the friendly phpmyadmin.

So I think it's a problem with phpMyAdmin and IE! :(

David, could you please try it with another browser? Netscape or Opera or Phoenix? Phoenix is by the way my absolute favourite browser (for Linux and Windows).


P.S.: I visited your homepage and thought you were Jewish. But of course I couln't be sure. But "Shalom" as you say means "peace" and that's always a good greeting. And so it finally doesn't matter of what kind of belief someone is.
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Postby DavidMD » 30. January 2003 19:33

Hi, Oswald!

Thank you very much for taking the time to check out this problem at home.

Why am I not surprised that Microsoft's browser is part of the problem in this situation, Oswald? :wink: (I have been a Mac enthusiast since 1986 and a Linux user for about six months, but I do not want to venture from the topic at hand; my implication, however, is clear!) :roll:

Kai (Oswald), could you please give me the URL for the Phoenix browser? I will also search the Web. I did have Netscape and MSIE on the same PC at one point, but it caused me problems and I went with MSIE for reasons of compatibility.

I will be happy to experiment with Phoenix, Oswald. In addition, I have found some limitations with Konqueror running KDE in Linux and I would like to install Phoenix in SuSE Linux Pro. (I assume that Phoenix is open source?)

Don't worry about the confusion about Judaism, Oswald. Before I set that site's e-mail address to bounce all messages (because of spam), I used to get death threats from antisemites. (They lost their accounts with their ISPs, needless to say!)

Oswald, I have a triple-boot PC (Windows 2000 Pro, XP Pro, and SuSE Linix Pro) and I use BootMagic. I have BootMagic set to require a password for each OS and then each OS has a password. The only way someone could get at PHPMYADMIN is if I left the computer on with XP Pro running and they accessed the PC. I tend to be paranoid about security, however.

Fianlly, Oswald, did you try the variation on my setup with MSIE, using 'cookie', but not specifying a password, or did you duplicate my setup exacly (entering and 'root' password in the configuration file)? I am just wondering if I can use MSIE if I do not put the password in the configuration file. (I can, of course, try this setup myself, but if you have tried it and it failed, then there is no need for me to repeat the process.) :)

Thanks very much, Oswald, for all of your help and your time! I hope that the problem with MSIE can be resolved. (Microsoft makes Windows so that the OS is "hostile" to other browsers besides its own.) :D



P.S. -- I finished looking at your Web site last night. It's great! :)


Kai Seidler wrote:Dear David!!

Putting the root password into the phpmyadmin configurations file depends on what you want:

1.) If you want easy access with phpmyadmin you will set 'auth_type' to 'config' and insert also the root password. You now can access without any manual authentication. You and everybody else. :?

2.) A better way is to set 'auth_type' to 'cookie' and not insert the root password into the phpmyadmin configuration file. phpmyadmin will now ask you about the password.

Ok, that's the theroretical background. ;)

In your case it should work the way you configured your system. Last night I did the same configuration to my system. And: it worked. ;) But only at the first sight. :(

The problem is: with Internet Explorer it doesn't work but with my favourite browser Phoenix (a Mozilla based browser) it worked perfectly. If I use IE I saw the login form but after entering user name and passwort and pressing the login-button I got back to an empty login form and not to the friendly phpmyadmin.

So I think it's a problem with phpMyAdmin and IE! :(

David, could you please try it with another browser? Netscape or Opera or Phoenix? Phoenix is by the way my absolute favourite browser (for Linux and Windows).


P.S.: I visited your homepage and thought you were Jewish. But of course I couln't be sure. But "Shalom" as you say means "peace" and that's always a good greeting. And so it finally doesn't matter of what kind of belief someone is.
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Postby boppy » 30. January 2003 21:52

I'm not kay nor oswald (am I schizophrenic? :)), but I can answer one of your quests: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/phoenix/ is the answer :D

have fun with it..
...in diesem Sinne
yours boppy

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(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost'

Postby DavidMD » 31. January 2003 02:58

Greetings, bobby!

Thanks for the URL, but I already downloade Phoenix this morning.

I am going to run the test Oswald suggested, but I am sure that I will get the same results.

Windows does not "like' other browsers, so I am hoping that this problem will be fixed in a future release (although upgrading to a new version is something I have never done and which scares me). :(

I may just not use a password for 'root', boppy, because my database is not at risk from someone physically accessing my database. I am using my home PC.

Thanks again, boppy!




boppy wrote:I'm not kay nor oswald (am I schizophrenic? :)), but I can answer one of your quests: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/phoenix/ is the answer :D

have fun with it..
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(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost'

Postby DavidMD » 31. January 2003 04:39

'Shalom', Oswald!

I just tried running PHPMYADMIN using the latest Windows binary of Phoenix, and I am sad to report that I got the same results as I did with Micrsoft's Internet Explorer. :cry:

I entered the 'root' user name and my password and just got the blank login screen again (although it did retain the user name in that field).

I will now modify the configuration file, removing the password, and I will try again, with Phoenix, but I do not imagine that I will see any difference. (I may be prompted for my password only, but I do not think I will be able to access (Win)PHPMYADMIN.

If I do not place a follow-up to this message, indicating success, it means that I am unable to access PHPMYADMIN via 'localhost' if I assign a password to 'root'. :cry:

I would be grateful for any advice! Again, I thank you and 'boppy' for your time, patience, and assistance!

Thank you very much, in advance, Oswald!

Greetings from the Nashville, Tennessee (USA) area -- :)


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Re: (Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost'

Postby DavidMD » 31. January 2003 04:46

Hello, again, Oswald.

Removing the password from the configuration file makes no difference. I guess that I will be forced into not using a password for (WinPHPMYADMIN). :( For now, I will not use a password.

Again, I welcome any suggestions or ideas, Oswald, and -- again -- I thank you!


David Dickerson
Hermitage, Tennessee
United States

DavidMD wrote:'...I will now modify the configuration file, removing the password, and I will try again, with Phoenix, but I do not imagine that I will see any difference. (I may be prompted for my password only, but I do not think I will be able to access (Win)PHPMYADMIN.

If I do not place a follow-up to this message, indicating success, it means that I am unable to access PHPMYADMIN via 'localhost' if I assign a password to 'root'.... :cry:
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(Win)PHPMyAdmin and root 'localhost'

Postby DavidMD » 31. January 2003 05:10

Greetings, yet again, Oswald and everyone!

What happens if one uses 'http' in 'config.inc.php', instead of 'config' or 'cookie'? :?:

Thank you very much, in advance! :)


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